Informed Action generates community reformation when truth comes first

In an age of widespread disinformation and polarized opinions, how can honest, God-fearing people ever expect to see a positive transformation in society?

There’s a strong correlation between community transformation and the humble informed action of godly people in response to truth.  The observation of Isaiah’s generation in Israel parallels what we see today, but we have one big difference. He said:

“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed. Yes, truth is gone, and anyone who renounces evil is attacked. The LORD looked and was displeased to find there was no justice. He was amazed to see that no one intervened to help the oppressed. So, he himself stepped in to save them with his strong arm, and his justice sustained him.”

Isaiah 59:14-16

You are about to discover the cure – but what is the price?

By Dennis Petersen

What if one of your most trusted friends told you that you’re about to discover the cure for a serious crisis you’re worried about? Well, naturally, you’d have questions… all of us would.

What is the biggest positive outcome of the global crisis of 2020? There are many ways to think about the shockingly life-changing events and conditions of the past year. Whoever you talk to, one thing becomes really clear… and really fast. There’s a lot of confusion, misinformation, and deep anxiety about a lot of things touching practically every single person’s life in nearly every single part of the world … at least, where there’s a significant population of people.  In terms of personal physical health, national governmental stability, moral corruption in business, science, and politics, or religious application of beliefs regarding just about anything, it’s becoming easier than ever to expose the biggest contrast in reality! What’s that?


It’s Time to choose courage as Evildoers Threaten

by Dennis Petersen

As the Angel of the Lord told Joshua in Joshua 1:9 “Be strong and courageous” so, God is telling us this is a time to choose. And courage is rising in America to overcome the influence of ungodly secularism.


In times of relative peace and quiet, the virtue of courage is often unseen and little spoken of. But when the pressure is on; when the conflict of good and evil is raised for all to see; when the dangers and threats of evildoers are brazen and menacing, then courage arises in those who are empowered with personal knowledge and experience.


Unmasking the COVID Plandemic

By Dennis Petersen

What are we to do when the evil of darkness is openly revealed by the light of truth? For today, that means it’s past time for the unmasking of the covid plandemic.

“Test (examine – dokimazō) everything, hold firmly to what is good” 1 Thes 5:21.

Who is commanded to do this? … Is any controversy exempt from this probe? … Remember the wisdom of Proverbs 18:17 “He who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.”


The Epiphany of our life

The Epiphany of our life –  for many today is an Exposé when finally, the lights are coming on!

Have you ever experienced an epiphany?

Besides the primary meaning of “bringing to light” as in discovering the personal realty of The Divine, Merriam Webster dictionary defines epiphany as: “a sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something, or an intuitive grasp of reality through something like an event that is usually simple and striking.”

For some of us as Christ-followers, our memorable epiphany might be the time when we woke up to the realization that Jesus Christ truly is The Creator, “without whom nothing was made that was made.” John spelled out Jesus as “the Word,” Who declared “let there be light” in the opening verses of his gospel in the Bible.


Equipping Soldiers in Wartime with Truth and Strategy

By Dennis Petersen

We’ve been praying fervently that God raise up a generation of warriors willing to fight in this historic battle against wicked forces. Those forces are operating through satanically inspired enemies of all that is good and Godly. And it takes all kinds of equipped and faithful soldiers to fight in the many fronts of this war.

Are you in yet? If you are, you better know why you fight. And it’s not about you. You know very well that soldiers are called into battle to defend the defenseless. If selfless courage doesn’t motivate you to fight the battle raging today, whether on your knees or with your strengths and skills, then you are simply accommodating the enemy by your slackness.

The war being fought in our world today has come out in the open. It’s come out in the open because the enemy has been emboldened. It’s a war between two kingdoms and we should know it better than most. Evil wickedness is on the rampage against God’s kingdom of truth and light.


Awakening to honest biblical response to the plandemic

How can Christ-followers respond honestly and Biblically to the 2020 “Plandemic?” We are all awakening to realities most of us never dreamed were possible. But as we awaken, as believers, we look to the Bible for patterns of how God has dealt with His people in the past. And we learn more about how to trust him and act in obedience to Him rather than to the fearful things going on in the world. Please schedule time to See this 10-part documentary at


Credible Scientists Are Risking their Careers and lives to expose World government fraud set to kill millions

By Dennis Petersen

If you think about it, there’s a particularly good reason why one of the most oft-repeated warnings of the Bible and Jesus Himself, is the familiar phrase, “do not be deceived.”  Anyone who reads the Bible is familiar with the fact that the devil’s most glaring identity is “The Deceiver” (Rev 12:9), And his chief strategy to “steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10) is the clever art of deception. It has now become widely recognized that those who routinely get their knowledge and understanding from main stream media, and those who listen to all the corruption that is there, are inevitably more likely to fall for their deception. And almost every statement that is made on those public platforms are laced with dishonest, misleading and downright destructive intentions. If anything has awakened millions of our peers to the reality of evil in our world, it is the blatant distortion of reality presented in today’s anti-Christ portals of news and entertainment.


Why are so many reluctant to get the covid “vaccine”

By Dennis Petersen

Why are so many reluctant to get the covid “vaccine” And why will my family not get the injection being falsely advertised as necessary for society?

We’ve frequently talked about the Bible’s warnings about ignorance, foolish thinking, apathy, and deception. My whole purpose in preparing our weekly show to help you, our listeners, to reclaim your legacy, is hopefully to equip you with, not only more knowledge about topics impacting the legacy you leave to your next generation, but to help you sharpen your discernment.  You can access many referenced historical, scientific and Biblical studies about these at  We all know the hot topics that are on almost everyone’s minds these days. But how many get to hear the truth being exposed almost completely without the help of the major institutions and formerly trusted influencers of the world? You might not have been told yet what’s going on in the medical world to draw millions away from the MSM.

The Bible’s wisdom tells us in Proverbs 18:17 that “The first one to plead his cause seems right, until his neighbor comes and examines him.”

So, let’s dare to honestly evaluate the controversy being used by spiritual powers to wreak confusion and unnecessary division in society and even God’s family.


The deadly price of choosing ignorance and cowardice in the face of Tyranny

By Dennis Petersen

Mark Twain said “it’s easier to fool People than convince People they’re being fooled.”

Germany’s NAZI Fuhrer of the Third Reich, Adolph Hitler, is famous for saying that if you tell masses of people a big enough lie, and tell them often enough, they will believe just about anything.

Have you gotten just a bit tired of seeing lies promoted to guide public policies in our communities? Why don’t more people have the guts to ask sincere questions and help all the “sheep” remove the real pandemic “disguise” of stupidity, propaganda and deception?

“Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.”

Proverbs 23:23
