Understanding the Culture with historian, Bill Federer

Paul wrote in 2nd Corinthians 2:11 about being taken advantage of by Satan, saying that “we are not ignorant of his schemes.” Today we’ll unpack a treasure of insight of how our enemy has used his number one tool to devastate human lives down through history, and how he’s doing it now.

Historian William Federer is a friend I’ve appreciated for many years. He’s written many books and has a very busy ministry unwrapping the often-hidden details of history and how God has sovereignly guided the affairs of humanity since the beginning of creation. Nothing escapes His notice.  The words of Paul at Mars Hill in Athens in Acts 17 remind us that God “Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things.” And then he dares to declare that the Creator “made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth” … and get this… “having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation!” 


How must God’s People be a Calming Influence in a Society filled with Fear?

There are lots of things I’ve learned, as I grew into adulthood and fatherhood.  One that sticks out to me seems to be missed by a lot of people who have not learned yet how to avoid being dominated by fear.  The present crisis in our world really seems to accent this fact.  Simply stated it’s this: “what we don’t understand, we tend to fear.” It’s pretty common, isn’t it?  If you don’t understand how to use a dangerous tool – like a knife or a gun – it’s perfectly natural to keep your distance from that tool because of an indescribable fear.  Once you learn how to use the potentially dangerous tool correctly, you still maintain a healthy respect for the tool, but you don’t have a psychotic fear of it anymore.


Common Sense to Turn ON the Lights comes from Righteousness and Truth

By Dennis Petersen

When your society seems to have gone mad with wicked depraved ideas, you are being challenged to make choices.  Will you allow yourself to be herded like sheep to the slaughter?  Will you go with the flow and take your family by the seemingly easy path into the net of destruction? Or will you gather the courage to seek out the truth that will set you free no matter what the cost?

Are we motivated by Faith or by fear?

I have no doubt that all of us are being motivated to pray for God’s help in our perplexing times of need. But are we praying in fear or in faith?

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

2 Timothy 1:7

Courage is rising in America to overcome the influence of ungodly secularism

by Dennis Petersen

At the start of Jesus’ 3-year project of discipling his 12 chosen men, we learn that “…they were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.” Mark 1:22

In times of relative peace and quiet, the virtue of courage is often unseen and little spoken of. But when the pressure is on; when the conflict of good and evil is raised for all to see; when the dangers and threats of evildoers are brazen and menacing, then courage arises in those who are empowered with personal knowledge and experience.

Jesus communicated confidence with authority, not just because he had personal conviction. He had deep intimate knowledge of the truth that He spoke. He dwelt in the shelter of the Most High. He displayed the epitome of courage because He was in tune with the Father and only did what He saw Him do.


The Epiphany of our life

The Epiphany of our life –  for many today is an Exposé when finally, the lights are coming on!

Have you ever experienced an epiphany?

Besides the primary meaning of “bringing to light” as in discovering the personal realty of The Divine, Merriam Webster dictionary defines epiphany as: “a sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something, or an intuitive grasp of reality through something like an event that is usually simple and striking.”  https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/epiphany

For some of us as Christ-followers, our memorable epiphany might be the time when we woke up to the realization that Jesus Christ truly is The Creator, “without whom nothing was made that was made.” John spelled out Jesus as “the Word,” Who declared “let there be light” in the opening verses of his gospel in the Bible.


Health Freedom vs Medical Tyranny – a God-given constitutional human right

Staring in the face of lifetime bondage, does choice still exist to gain knowledge of truth?

One of America’s prominent founding fathers was medical Dr. Benjamin Rush. He gave us an important statement about his view of medical or health freedom.  Commenting on Dr Rush, a late 19th century medical doctor honored the memory of this great physician, noting that he proved himself to be a great champion of medical liberty. He urged that the Constitution of the United States should not only provide for religious freedom but also for medical freedom. Dr Rush, in his 18th century manner of speaking English, conveyed the idea that “Laws restricting the practice of the healing arts to one class of physicians and denying to others equal privileges, would constitute the Bastilles of our science.”

That means such laws would be like an over-throw of honest science and replaying the relics of despotism or vestiges of monarchy as with the time of the French Revolution.  He clearly thought such actions would be wholly out of place in a republic.  https://wafflesatnoon.com/benjamin-rush-quote/


Equipping Soldiers in Wartime with Truth and Strategy

By Dennis Petersen

We’ve been praying fervently that God raise up a generation of warriors willing to fight in this historic battle against wicked forces. Those forces are operating through satanically inspired enemies of all that is good and Godly. And it takes all kinds of equipped and faithful soldiers to fight in the many fronts of this war.

Are you in yet? If you are, you better know why you fight. And it’s not about you. You know very well that soldiers are called into battle to defend the defenseless. If selfless courage doesn’t motivate you to fight the battle raging today, whether on your knees or with your strengths and skills, then you are simply accommodating the enemy by your slackness.

The war being fought in our world today has come out in the open. It’s come out in the open because the enemy has been emboldened. It’s a war between two kingdoms and we should know it better than most. Evil wickedness is on the rampage against God’s kingdom of truth and light.


Awakening to honest biblical response to the plandemic

How can Christ-followers respond honestly and Biblically to the 2020 “Plandemic?” We are all awakening to realities most of us never dreamed were possible. But as we awaken, as believers, we look to the Bible for patterns of how God has dealt with His people in the past. And we learn more about how to trust him and act in obedience to Him rather than to the fearful things going on in the world. Please schedule time to See this 10-part documentary at https://www.bitchute.com/video/zshlDHNnx1bW/


Our Time for War is Here Now

By Dennis Petersen

The man who is unquestionably regarded as the wisest man in history, young King Solomon, wrote: “To everything there is a season, ​​A time for every purpose under heaven…” 

That means even a time for war… and it’s here now.

When we read Solomon’s famous statement about the seasons of life in Ecclesiastes (chapter 2), we’re immediately faced with the disturbing reality that life is a continuing roller coaster of ups and downs. In light of the abundance of God’s word, we must draw our security and peace from the sheltering rest of our confidence in God through all of those ups and downs.  As Solomon wrote, there’s…


The Righteous are Bold as a Lion

Proverbs 29:2 observes a fact about the result of influence in a culture for good or bad.  It says, “When the (uncompromisingly) righteous (those who are godly and in right relationship with Almighty God) flourish by increasing in number and in authority over the land, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan as if in mourning.”

Well, there’s a lot of groaning and complaining going on about the wicked, the corrupt and compromised immorality of all kinds going on at every level of society, particularly in the ruling class.

It’s natural to look at that, as most of us always have, and complain about the influence of wicked rulers, but there’s more to it than that… much more.

When you return from a day at work, or out shopping, or driving on the highways, or just interacting with the general public, would you say that the God-fearing, morally pure population of your country is “flourishing” and increasing in number?

Remember… all that must happen for evil to flourish in a culture is for the good people to keep quiet and do nothing.  Light dispels darkness. It’s not the other way around.
