Your most important legacy – June 22 RYL

Does it seem sometimes that the challenges and pressures of the confusing world around us crowd out the really important things that we can do to eternally influence the lives of the people in our lives?

I’ve got an invitation for you to share with your friends today that I think you’ll want to make special note of, so you might want to be ready to write down some details that I’ll share more coming up in our program today.


Our most important legacy

Does it seem sometimes that the challenges and pressures of the confusing world around us crowd out the really important things that we can do to eternally affect the lives of the people in our lives?

I’ve got an invitation for you to share with your friends today that I think you’ll want to make special note of, so you might want to be ready to write down some details that I’ll share more than once in our program today.


Why are so many reluctant to get the covid “vaccine”

By Dennis Petersen

Why are so many reluctant to get the covid “vaccine” And why will my family not get the injection being falsely advertised as necessary for society?

We’ve frequently talked about the Bible’s warnings about ignorance, foolish thinking, apathy, and deception. My whole purpose in preparing our weekly show to help you, our listeners, to reclaim your legacy, is hopefully to equip you with, not only more knowledge about topics impacting the legacy you leave to your next generation, but to help you sharpen your discernment.  You can access many referenced historical, scientific and Biblical studies about these at  We all know the hot topics that are on almost everyone’s minds these days. But how many get to hear the truth being exposed almost completely without the help of the major institutions and formerly trusted influencers of the world? You might not have been told yet what’s going on in the medical world to draw millions away from the MSM.

The Bible’s wisdom tells us in Proverbs 18:17 that “The first one to plead his cause seems right, until his neighbor comes and examines him.”

So, let’s dare to honestly evaluate the controversy being used by spiritual powers to wreak confusion and unnecessary division in society and even God’s family.


The deadly price of choosing ignorance and cowardice in the face of Tyranny

By Dennis Petersen

Mark Twain said “it’s easier to fool People than convince People they’re being fooled.”

Germany’s NAZI Fuhrer of the Third Reich, Adolph Hitler, is famous for saying that if you tell masses of people a big enough lie, and tell them often enough, they will believe just about anything.

Have you gotten just a bit tired of seeing lies promoted to guide public policies in our communities? Why don’t more people have the guts to ask sincere questions and help all the “sheep” remove the real pandemic “disguise” of stupidity, propaganda and deception?

“Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.”

Proverbs 23:23


Destroying Speculations Raised Against the Knowledge of God

Do you know what “I.P.” means when you put those letters in front of the name of the president of a country?  It means “illegitimate president.” With all the bizarre, anti-God, and anti-constitutional edicts our current “I.P.” is being managed by others to make TO the country of which we are honest citizens, it’s easy to see that the conflict between good and evil may very well be coming to another epic crossroads of history. If you know people whose “hearts are failing them for fear” as they are “looking on those things which are coming on the earth…” it’s time to hear the word of Moses to the whole nation of Israel (Luke 21:26). “Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will show to you today” (Exodus 14:13).


What must be done?

By Dennis Petersen

What must be done when a nation’s leaders attempt to make Immorality into the law of the land? If ever there was a time for Christian citizens to implore their representative government leaders to exercise wise Biblical action, it’s now. You’re probably listening to Christian leaders lately. No doubt, you’ve been alerted to take action regarding the so-called Equality Act. It’s being considered by the United States Congress NOW. It’s probably the gravest threat to many of the values that the vast majority of our nation’s citizens hold dear – not just Christians.


Wickedness is being exposed as God awakens His redeemed to walk in His light

by Dennis Petersen

Psalm 94 promises us: “Blessed is the man whom you discipline, O LORD, and whom you teach out of your law, to give him rest from days of trouble, until a pit is dug for the wicked. For the LORD will not forsake his people; he will not abandon his heritage; for justice will return to the righteous, and all the upright in heart will follow it. Who rises up for me against the wicked? Who will stand up for me against evildoers (of wickedness)?” Psalm 94:12-16.


Have Confidence in God’s Justice for His Nation

By Dennis Petersen

With spiritual eyes, it is clear that the outrageous corruption of politicians is demonically inspired. So, how are the righteous to respond?

The widespread deception of the news media is demonically inspired. The open dishonesty that has prevailed in this country’s indoctrination institutions that we call public education is demonically inspired. All this, now publicly obvious distortion of reality is crystal-clear evidence of a long-term war between Truth and lies. It can be a discouraging discovery of the spiraling conflict of good and evil – destroying liberty and increasing smothering captivity. It’s the very confrontation of devilish attacks against the kingdom of God, the King of all kings.


Gods people at a Precipice of Faith – must let God’s Spirit retrain their thinking

By Dennis Petersen

At this Christmas season, spiritually sensitive disciples of Jesus Christ are very aware that we are rushing toward a precipice at the close of another chapter of God’s dealing with human kind.

Do you remember the chapter that closed when Moses led Egypt’s recently released slave nation of 2+ million descendants of Abraham right to the edge of the Red Sea? They absolutely depended on a miracle to save them from annihilation. They were at a precipice. And after seeing many amazing divine provisions of protection and survival, God gave them a miraculous way of salvation that required them to step out into an historic deliverance.


True Christians Will Obey God – Rather than Corrupted Governors – to Influence Their Nation Rightly

By Dennis Petersen

Why, in 1620, did the little congregation of Pastor John Robinson’s English Christ followers, whom we call Pilgrims, risk their lives to leave their native land to become unintended pioneers of an untamed wilderness in North America?  In a word, the motivation was tyranny – Religious tyranny.
