Our Warfare Has Intensified as Millions Suffer loss and Discover Why

When millions of people in countries all over the entire world are dying unexpectedly and prematurely, while millions more are being handicapped for life, you can understand why practically all your friends and neighbors are wondering how to explain these tragedies to their children.

How does the Bible direct Gods children to respond to injustice and intentional harm done by todays pharaohs?


Modern day mind control is why Believers must BEWARE

The sad reality of how non-discerning people are led astray

Have you ever wondered why there is such a vicious and never-ending war being waged against God-made non-toxic food, wholesome natural supplements, and alternative forms of healthcare and disease prevention? Have you ever wondered why an equally intense war is directed against those who profess faith in Jesus Christ?

Listen to the complete program here:

Listen to the extended Bonus recording here:

The Bible clearly warns us to beware of mind-controlling influences in society.

Colossians 2:8 says:

“See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.”


Equipping Soldiers in Wartime with Truth and Strategy

By Dennis Petersen

We’ve been praying fervently that God raise up a generation of warriors willing to fight in this historic battle against wicked forces. Those forces are operating through satanically inspired enemies of all that is good and Godly. And it takes all kinds of equipped and faithful soldiers to fight in the many fronts of this war.

Are you in yet? If you are, you better know why you fight. And it’s not about you. You know very well that soldiers are called into battle to defend the defenseless. If selfless courage doesn’t motivate you to fight the battle raging today, whether on your knees or with your strengths and skills, then you are simply accommodating the enemy by your slackness.

The war being fought in our world today has come out in the open. It’s come out in the open because the enemy has been emboldened. It’s a war between two kingdoms and we should know it better than most. Evil wickedness is on the rampage against God’s kingdom of truth and light.


Modern day mind-control is why Believers must BEWARE

The sad reality of how non-discerning people are led astray

Have you ever wondered why there is such a vicious and never-ending war being waged against God-made non-toxic food, wholesome natural supplements, and alternative forms of healthcare and disease prevention? Have you ever wondered why an equally intense war is directed against those who profess faith in Jesus Christ?

The Bible clearly warns us to beware of mind-controlling influences in society.

Listen to the complete program here
