Watchmen are Assigned to Warn their Community of Danger

By Dennis Petersen

Did you hear about the horrific Texas traffic accident involving over a hundred vehicles because of surprising glare ice on the road? A half dozen people died and over a hundred were injured, some with life debilitating injuries.

Now, if you had the knowledge that the road up ahead was so dangerous that it could cause the death of everyone going that way, wouldn’t you do everything in your power to stop everyone from rushing toward their destruction? Of course, you would. Who wouldn’t?  That’s just common humanitarian consideration for our fellow man. You’d have good reason to question the ethics or sanity of anyone who wouldn’t do that, wouldn’t you?


Will our Creator allow His creation to be Hijacked?

After hearing today’s report, you will have a better reason than ever to trust in the words of Jesus when He said, “So have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be (made) known.” (Matthew 10:26).

If you want the details on what you’re about to hear, be sure to listen to the extended bonus recording of this episode at

After a full year of injecting people with an experimental gene altering shot for a patented infection that has never been isolated, called COVID-19, we can conclusively state that this is most definitely a weapon of mass destruction. It was intended to be from the start. It not only kills and cripples people in the present, it destroys unborn children in the womb as well. It is set to make a great part of the next generation of females infertile.


The Light of God’s Truth is breaking through the dark clouds into today’s valley of the shadow of death

Isn’t it interesting how God’s Word can have fresh application even though we know it has specific revelation? He provides insight for His people in every era of history in unique ways according to the times in which we live.

Isaiah 9:2 tells us “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined.” We realize that Jesus, our Messiah, is the fulfillment of that prophesy.  But it’s amazing how the light of Jesus, through His Holy Spirit can specially encourage His people even when they walk through their own unique lands “of the shadow of death.”

“For nothing is concealed that will not become evident, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.”  Luke 8:17


Mind Control globally in a Scamdemic is now labeled Mass Formation Psychosis

The historic Plandemic of 2020 and beyond – called Covid-19 – was the global stakeholders’ key to manipulate masses by hypnosis… but that is finally and dramatically beginning to change.

The last two years of incredibly effective propaganda has truly demonstrated …that the whole world around us is under the control of the evil one… (1 Jn 5:19). It’s now… finally… becoming evident to millions of people that they’ve been duped. 

Canadian Doctor, Roger Hodkinson, is a highly esteemed medical doctor in Canada. He has been speaking publicly in favor of health freedom and medical scientific honesty since the start of the plandemic. Listen to 90 seconds of his candidly bold statement and start thinking about why every honest doctor and church leader shouldn’t be just as bold and truthful about this tragedy.


Health Freedom vs Medical Tyranny – a God-given constitutional human right

Staring in the face of lifetime bondage, does choice still exist to gain knowledge of truth?

One of America’s prominent founding fathers was medical Dr. Benjamin Rush. He gave us an important statement about his view of medical or health freedom.  Commenting on Dr Rush, a late 19th century medical doctor honored the memory of this great physician, noting that he proved himself to be a great champion of medical liberty. He urged that the Constitution of the United States should not only provide for religious freedom but also for medical freedom. Dr Rush, in his 18th century manner of speaking English, conveyed the idea that “Laws restricting the practice of the healing arts to one class of physicians and denying to others equal privileges, would constitute the Bastilles of our science.”

That means such laws would be like an over-throw of honest science and replaying the relics of despotism or vestiges of monarchy as with the time of the French Revolution.  He clearly thought such actions would be wholly out of place in a republic.


Our Time for War is Here Now

By Dennis Petersen

The man who is unquestionably regarded as the wisest man in history, young King Solomon, wrote: “To everything there is a season, ​​A time for every purpose under heaven…” 

That means even a time for war… and it’s here now.

When we read Solomon’s famous statement about the seasons of life in Ecclesiastes (chapter 2), we’re immediately faced with the disturbing reality that life is a continuing roller coaster of ups and downs. In light of the abundance of God’s word, we must draw our security and peace from the sheltering rest of our confidence in God through all of those ups and downs.  As Solomon wrote, there’s…


Why are so many reluctant to get the covid “vaccine”

By Dennis Petersen

Why are so many reluctant to get the covid “vaccine” And why will my family not get the injection being falsely advertised as necessary for society?

We’ve frequently talked about the Bible’s warnings about ignorance, foolish thinking, apathy, and deception. My whole purpose in preparing our weekly show to help you, our listeners, to reclaim your legacy, is hopefully to equip you with, not only more knowledge about topics impacting the legacy you leave to your next generation, but to help you sharpen your discernment.  You can access many referenced historical, scientific and Biblical studies about these at  We all know the hot topics that are on almost everyone’s minds these days. But how many get to hear the truth being exposed almost completely without the help of the major institutions and formerly trusted influencers of the world? You might not have been told yet what’s going on in the medical world to draw millions away from the MSM.

The Bible’s wisdom tells us in Proverbs 18:17 that “The first one to plead his cause seems right, until his neighbor comes and examines him.”

So, let’s dare to honestly evaluate the controversy being used by spiritual powers to wreak confusion and unnecessary division in society and even God’s family.
