Propaganda Exposed – The Make-Believe World is About to Collapse

Have you wondered recently… how much longer the insanity of absurdity can continue in our generation? What used to be understood as ‘fantasyland’ and ‘make-believe,’ has so badly dissolved many people’s ability to think rationally, that they lack the capacity to figure out that boys can never be girls and spider-man is just imaginary.

The unfortunate consequence is that we have had a large segment of society that for years has actually supposed that stores wouldn’t sell us poisons in our foods, and that corrupt politicians and unelected bureaucrats know what’s best for our well-being.

But that’s all changing.


In Crisis Times God’s Priorities Don’t Change

By Dennis Petersen

Like the separatist Pilgrims who fled religious persecution in their homelands to courageously face an untamed wilderness 400 years ago right now, we are facing a challenge of giant proportions. Can we dare to proclaim, “Thank you Almighty God for your abundant mercy and your grace to lead us on?”


Have Confidence in God’s Justice for His Nation as His-story is being made #318

By Dennis Petersen

With spiritual eyes, it is clear that the outrageous corruption of politicians is demonically inspired. So, how are the righteous to respond? The widespread deception of the news media is demonically inspired. The open dishonesty that has prevailed in this country’s indoctrination institutions that we call public education is demonically inspired. All this, now publicly obvious distortion of reality is crystal-clear evidence of a long-term war between Truth and lies. It can be a discouraging discovery of the spiraling conflict of good and evil – destroying liberty and increasing smothering captivity. It’s the very confrontation of devilish attacks against the kingdom of God, the King of all kings.

How are the righteous to respond?


Thanksgiving 4 Centuries after Our Pilgrims’ First Celebration #323

November every year in America is historically a time of remembrance and Thanksgiving. What other culture in the world has a tradition like that?

To better appreciate the roots of this special season for us as a people, let’s unravel the chain of events that helps us understand the implications of what led to the divinely innovative beginning of a whole new national identity.

Nobody I know does that better than my friend Bill Federer – Listen as he describes parallels between the treacherous 16th century time of the Pilgrims and our time 400 years later.

You can watch this interview at:  Start at 6:08 of 1/22/2023 America Unhinged: Dr. John Diamond interview with Bill Federer

Here is a partial Outline of Bill Federer’s talk:

Kings typically killed some of their own country’s population that they didn’t like

The St Bartholemew’s Day Massacre described.

John Calvin wrestled with Romans 13.  What do you do when the authorities have a mandate to kill your wife and kids?

Eph 6 .. children obey your parents… is he required to obey an ungodly parent’s demand to do something against God’s expressed will.

Martin Luther King comments on unjust laws… obey government as long as it lines up with God’s word.

If you remove a king… chaos results. Another king comes in to change things… followed by more chaos.  how do you remove a king to restore order without another chaos?

The Pilgrims, following Bible concepts, began a “Covenant” form of government, where everyone follows a covenant with God and with each other. Everyone is taught the “law.” What motivates them is that they are personally accountable to God. Second, everyone is in a covenant with each other and with God.

05:35 The Pilgrims looked to ancient Israel as their model – particularly the first 400 years after Israel’s exodus from Egypt, before King Saul.

After Joshua’s time, there was no king in Israel for 400 years.

The kings of England adopted the ‘divine right of kings’ paradigm from the Biblical time of kings Saul and David and afterward.

06:35 The Calvinist puritans of New England looked to the pre-King Saul Bible period.

Kings of England were a theocracy. The king was head of the church. From 1535 onward people were required to take the “oath of supremacy” which forced all English subjects to obey the King in all matters, even of a religious or spiritual nature.

King James had several attempts on his life because of the discontent fomented by royal heavy-handedness.

Guy Faux assassination attempt.

King James was paranoid of dissenting groups whom he feared might assassinate him. This included the Pilgrims.

America’s founders came to get away from a “theocracy.”

09:36 Book of Common Prayer… The government raided those who prayed without this book being used to pray. Dissenters were officially condemned as ‘heretics’ and branded without fair trial because they dared to defy the king’s regulations of even their thoughts and prayers.

10:54 Conventical Act became The Riot Act in England because the government feared the “covenanters” could be planning a riot in their secret meetings as Christians wanting to gather in their homes to worship God.

John Bunyan was subjected to arrest and imprisonment for 12 years because of his boldness to meet privately in his home church.

Jesus clearly made following his teaching completely voluntary

Covenant churches were made of those who had no bishops and no requirement to bow to government authorized priests. They decided to not meet in church buildings but in the open fields.

17:18 The idea of having to believe the way the government believes prompted one group to buy passage from England to the Netherlands (the Pilgrims).

Federal is Latin for ‘covenant.’

The constitution is a way to prevent a president from ruling through mandates.

Thanks to Bill Federer, we can better see the powerful influence that rulers have over an oppressed people.

Do you think Jeremiah’s prophetic words speak to our generation today?

“Thus says the LORD, ‘Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and you shall find rest for our souls…’” Jeremiah 6:16

Proclaiming the truth when lies are more popular

“Speak the truth to each other, and render true and sound judgment in your courts” Zech. 8:16

“Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason toward my country.”  Patrick Henry

If liberty has any genuine meaning in our age of deception, it certainly carries the right to tell people the truth – even when they have been conditioned by their trusted teachers to think they do not want to hear it.

“The LORD is my helper; I will not fear; What can man do to me?” Heb 13:6

Never before in our lifetimes have we been so obviously confronted by what appears to be such a threat of ultimate foreboding loss of freedom, that even the most optimistic Pollyanna must concede that we are all at a crossroads of choice.  Will we choose to bow to God or bow to men who deny their Creator?  Which choice do you take right now for yourself?


Thanksgiving for mid-course corrections on the Master’s Path for our life – Providence #290

Have you ever missed a turn on your road to somewhere and then had to make a mid-course correction?

Sometimes when you go too far down the wrong road, you can never completely retrace your path. You might even get blown off course through no fault of your own. Then you have to find a completely new course to your desired destination. We might not have felt particularly like giving thanks for those detours at the time we went through them. Maybe today we’ll discover some thoughts to help us reconsider – thanksgiving for mid-course correction on the master’s path for our life – the providence of God.

Proverbs 16:9 says “The mind of a man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” This is called the Providence of God.  God guides his children and God provides for their way. It’s one of the key characteristics that all of our nation’s founding men and women knew about their Creator and Savior.


Is a new Reformation happening right before our eyes? #248

By Dennis Petersen

As the battle for the outcome of the most revolutionary election in American history concludes, the sharply divided ideologies couldn’t be more obvious. Will secular ideals increase or will Biblical principles be restored?

The last day of October is Reformation Day, obscured in our misguided culture by ‘Halloween.’  But election day is just a few days later. So, I’ve prayed for God’s timely insight on the wisdom He would have me share with you today.  I trust you’ll be encouraged and refreshed by what you hear.


Informed Action generates community reformation when truth comes first

In an age of widespread disinformation and polarized opinions, how can honest, God-fearing people ever expect to see a positive transformation in society?

There’s a strong correlation between community transformation and the humble informed action of godly people in response to truth.  The observation of Isaiah’s generation in Israel parallels what we see today, but we have one big difference. He said:

“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed. Yes, truth is gone, and anyone who renounces evil is attacked. The LORD looked and was displeased to find there was no justice. He was amazed to see that no one intervened to help the oppressed. So, he himself stepped in to save them with his strong arm, and his justice sustained him.”

Isaiah 59:14-16

You are about to discover the cure – but what is the price?

By Dennis Petersen

What if one of your most trusted friends told you that you’re about to discover the cure for a serious crisis you’re worried about? Well, naturally, you’d have questions… all of us would.

What is the biggest positive outcome of the global crisis of 2020? There are many ways to think about the shockingly life-changing events and conditions of the past year. Whoever you talk to, one thing becomes really clear… and really fast. There’s a lot of confusion, misinformation, and deep anxiety about a lot of things touching practically every single person’s life in nearly every single part of the world … at least, where there’s a significant population of people.  In terms of personal physical health, national governmental stability, moral corruption in business, science, and politics, or religious application of beliefs regarding just about anything, it’s becoming easier than ever to expose the biggest contrast in reality! What’s that?


Unmasking the COVID Plandemic

By Dennis Petersen

What are we to do when the evil of darkness is openly revealed by the light of truth? For today, that means it’s past time for the unmasking of the covid plandemic.

“Test (examine – dokimazō) everything, hold firmly to what is good” 1 Thes 5:21.

Who is commanded to do this? … Is any controversy exempt from this probe? … Remember the wisdom of Proverbs 18:17 “He who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.”
