Have Confidence in God’s Justice for His Nation

By Dennis Petersen

With spiritual eyes, it is clear that the outrageous corruption of politicians is demonically inspired. So, how are the righteous to respond?

The widespread deception of the news media is demonically inspired. The open dishonesty that has prevailed in this country’s indoctrination institutions that we call public education is demonically inspired. All this, now publicly obvious distortion of reality is crystal-clear evidence of a long-term war between Truth and lies. It can be a discouraging discovery of the spiraling conflict of good and evil – destroying liberty and increasing smothering captivity. It’s the very confrontation of devilish attacks against the kingdom of God, the King of all kings.


Gods people at a Precipice of Faith – must let God’s Spirit retrain their thinking

By Dennis Petersen

At this Christmas season, spiritually sensitive disciples of Jesus Christ are very aware that we are rushing toward a precipice at the close of another chapter of God’s dealing with human kind.

Do you remember the chapter that closed when Moses led Egypt’s recently released slave nation of 2+ million descendants of Abraham right to the edge of the Red Sea? They absolutely depended on a miracle to save them from annihilation. They were at a precipice. And after seeing many amazing divine provisions of protection and survival, God gave them a miraculous way of salvation that required them to step out into an historic deliverance.


True Christians Will Obey God – Rather than Corrupted Governors – to Influence Their Nation Rightly

By Dennis Petersen

Why, in 1620, did the little congregation of Pastor John Robinson’s English Christ followers, whom we call Pilgrims, risk their lives to leave their native land to become unintended pioneers of an untamed wilderness in North America?  In a word, the motivation was tyranny – Religious tyranny.


The Election Results – Who will you listen to?

by Dennis Petersen

When intelligence reports conflict, will you listen to voices supporting their allegiance to Biblical truth and the US Constitution’s system of accountability to natural law, or to skeptics and avowed enemies of God?

What is our purpose as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ?

What are the sources of information we can trust about truthful reporting of current events?


Have we decided to face reality yet?

By Dennis Petersen

U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted June 11 that he was “honored” by an open letter written by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who served as nuncio to the United States from 2011 to 2016. In the letter, the former nuncio claimed that lockdown restrictions and unrest in the United States were part of a plot to establish a new world order. (CNS photo/Twitter) See TRUMP-VIGANO-LETTER June 11, 2020.

What must we think about the conditions of our nation right now? Pure evil is seeming to have the victory, but only if you are listening to deceptive voices of influence. We always heard that we are at war. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians makes that very clear. But have we so spiritualized the concept of that war as to become detached from our requirement to personally, mentally and physically get involved with it?


Is God Raising Up A Remnant to Reverse the Moral Decline We’ve Allowed to Destroy our Nation?

By Dennis Petersen

When surrounded by a prevalent spirit of fear and completely insane behaviors, can there be any doubt that now is the time for humble hearts to rise in their Lord’s strength, put on the whole armor of God, and take the courage of Joshua to face the enemies of God’s kingdom without hesitation? 


Are truth tellers guilty of ignoring evidence?

By Dennis Petersen

Are truth tellers guilty of ignoring evidence that is suppressed by main stream monopolists of disinformation? Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible, is the great discourse about the many extraordinary facets of the Jewel of God’s Word. The psalmist declares in verse 162:

“I rejoice at Thy Word, as one who finds great spoil” (like a hidden treasure of booty in the plunder hidden by a defeated enemy).

Psalm 119:162

And verse 165 calms us with: “Those who love Thy law have great peace, and nothing causes them to stumble (or to be offended).”  When I get upset about conditions as they are, the Lord often reminds me of that.


Why is Your Single Vote Essential to God’s Plan for America and the World?

By Dennis Petersen

Have you ever dealt with the frustrated feeling that your civic duty of voting is a fruitless exercise in futility?

Most hard-working Americans are ordinarily so busy with their private lives that they give only little attention to the process of civic government, except for the complaining that all of us tend to do when we see policies enacted that we disagree with or that cost us something.  Do you recall anyone asking for your vote to give more of your hard-earned money to bureaucracies to waste on programs that you think are foolish? Worse yet, we’re all aware of terrible civic outcomes.  The election of Barack Obama (even twice); the court’s decision to re-make God’s ordinance of marriage; government’s interference and persecution of Christians for refusing to bake a cake; legalizing abortion, or whatever—it’s easy to get overwhelmed with a feeling of hopelessness.


Why must Christians Engage with the Culture by Influencing voting in America?

By Dennis Petersen

The fact that the battle to preserve our society of liberty is a spiritual war against demonic principalities in high places is more evident now than ever before in our lifetime.  The question is – will God’s people who are called by His name not only humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, but will they be the preserving salt of influence on our society or will they continue to be ‘trampled’ by society’s mountains of influence?


Choose this day… left or right

By Dennis Petersen

I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore, choose life, that you and your offspring may live:

Deuteronomy 30:19

As in the past, God is giving every one of those who will listen to his voice to make an active choice today. There is no room for passivity.
