Proclaiming the truth when lies are more popular

“Speak the truth to each other, and render true and sound judgment in your courts” Zech. 8:16

“Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason toward my country.”  Patrick Henry

If liberty has any genuine meaning in our age of deception, it certainly carries the right to tell people the truth – even when they have been conditioned by their trusted teachers to think they do not want to hear it.

“The LORD is my helper; I will not fear; What can man do to me?” Heb 13:6

Never before in our lifetimes have we been so obviously confronted by what appears to be such a threat of ultimate foreboding loss of freedom, that even the most optimistic Pollyanna must concede that we are all at a crossroads of choice.  Will we choose to bow to God or bow to men who deny their Creator?  Which choice do you take right now for yourself?


Has God lost control of this world? Are we all doomed to become cyborgs?

Anyone who is well informed by truth-seeking sources and avoids the main stream media, knows that all humanity is under attack as our world has never seen before. Many are wondering if there is any hope for the future. What if these evil Luciferian serpents actually get their globalist ways?

Let’s see why there is 100% assurance that Truth and Freedom wins, and the good people will overcome. But first, let’s quickly outline the severity of the attacks on humanity.


Awakening to the Reality of Spiritual Warfare

By Dennis Petersen

More and more people in our country and the world are awakening to the reality that we are all on the stage of the greatest spiritual battleground imaginable.  As the darkness of evil becomes increasingly invasive, the brightness of the Light of God’s Truth and Righteousness becomes all the more apparent to those with eyes to see. Unfortunately, we realize from recent history that people who have been pickled in mass-media deception and coddled by a public indoctrination mindset that coddles the stubbornness to cling to their self-serving idolatry and wicked passions, are often too hardened to hear God’s invitation to repent and receive the peace of eternal life.


Dealing with Enemies of God

When Christians are targets of war, they must anticipate dealing with enemies of God.

On Monday, March 27, 2023, an angry and hate-filled woman who believed she was a man, carried out a deadly attack on the staff and students of a conservative Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee.  She murdered three nine-year-old children and three staff members. It was a deliberate act of terror against Christian children by a terribly unstable person. She succumbed to the self-destructive ideology of the transgender dysphoria that has been exalted by much of our deranged society. In the pioneer days of our nation’s past, such an act would be publicly acknowledged by all righteous, law-abiding, citizens… as the work of demonically inspired savages.

Christians are called to respond to tragedy with compassion, empathy, and love, but what happens when that tragedy is being celebrated by the mainstream media, the culture, our own government, and perhaps… even some of our own churches, friends, and family?


How must God’s People be a Calming Influence in a Society filled with Fear?

There are lots of things I’ve learned, as I grew into adulthood and fatherhood.  One that sticks out to me seems to be missed by a lot of people who have not learned yet how to avoid being dominated by fear.  The present crisis in our world really seems to accent this fact.  Simply stated it’s this: “what we don’t understand, we tend to fear.” It’s pretty common, isn’t it?  If you don’t understand how to use a dangerous tool – like a knife or a gun – it’s perfectly natural to keep your distance from that tool because of an indescribable fear.  Once you learn how to use the potentially dangerous tool correctly, you still maintain a healthy respect for the tool, but you don’t have a psychotic fear of it anymore.


Common Sense to Turn ON the Lights comes from Righteousness and Truth

By Dennis Petersen

When your society seems to have gone mad with wicked depraved ideas, you are being challenged to make choices.  Will you allow yourself to be herded like sheep to the slaughter?  Will you go with the flow and take your family by the seemingly easy path into the net of destruction? Or will you gather the courage to seek out the truth that will set you free no matter what the cost?

Are we motivated by Faith or by fear?

I have no doubt that all of us are being motivated to pray for God’s help in our perplexing times of need. But are we praying in fear or in faith?

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

2 Timothy 1:7

Courage is rising in America to overcome the influence of ungodly secularism

by Dennis Petersen

At the start of Jesus’ 3-year project of discipling his 12 chosen men, we learn that “…they were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.” Mark 1:22

In times of relative peace and quiet, the virtue of courage is often unseen and little spoken of. But when the pressure is on; when the conflict of good and evil is raised for all to see; when the dangers and threats of evildoers are brazen and menacing, then courage arises in those who are empowered with personal knowledge and experience.

Jesus communicated confidence with authority, not just because he had personal conviction. He had deep intimate knowledge of the truth that He spoke. He dwelt in the shelter of the Most High. He displayed the epitome of courage because He was in tune with the Father and only did what He saw Him do.


Awakening to honest biblical response to the plandemic

How can Christ-followers respond honestly and Biblically to the 2020 “Plandemic?” We are all awakening to realities most of us never dreamed were possible. But as we awaken, as believers, we look to the Bible for patterns of how God has dealt with His people in the past. And we learn more about how to trust him and act in obedience to Him rather than to the fearful things going on in the world. Please schedule time to See this 10-part documentary at


Have Confidence in God’s Justice for His Nation

By Dennis Petersen

With spiritual eyes, it is clear that the outrageous corruption of politicians is demonically inspired. So, how are the righteous to respond?

The widespread deception of the news media is demonically inspired. The open dishonesty that has prevailed in this country’s indoctrination institutions that we call public education is demonically inspired. All this, now publicly obvious distortion of reality is crystal-clear evidence of a long-term war between Truth and lies. It can be a discouraging discovery of the spiraling conflict of good and evil – destroying liberty and increasing smothering captivity. It’s the very confrontation of devilish attacks against the kingdom of God, the King of all kings.


Are truth tellers guilty of ignoring evidence?

By Dennis Petersen

Are truth tellers guilty of ignoring evidence that is suppressed by main stream monopolists of disinformation? Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible, is the great discourse about the many extraordinary facets of the Jewel of God’s Word. The psalmist declares in verse 162:

“I rejoice at Thy Word, as one who finds great spoil” (like a hidden treasure of booty in the plunder hidden by a defeated enemy).

Psalm 119:162

And verse 165 calms us with: “Those who love Thy law have great peace, and nothing causes them to stumble (or to be offended).”  When I get upset about conditions as they are, the Lord often reminds me of that.
