Have you ever thought about the actions that are taken by those who survive and win when under attack in a war between God and evil?

The brilliant Christian philosopher of the 20th Century, C. S. Lewis wrote, “You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.”
Dr Simone Gold, MD, JD spoke at Godspeak Calvary Chapel in Ventura, California. It was posted on YouTube Oct 29, 2021 but censored by YouTube. Find it online now on Rumble when you click here.
For a Biblical context let’s be reminded of one of the many warnings in Scripture to diligently work to avoid being deceived.
“Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore, do not be partakers with them.” Eph 5:6-7
And remember that greedy idolatry is a core motivation for deceivers that keep themselves from ever entering the kingdom of God and His Messiah.
In the openly shared view of virtually every God-honoring, freedom-loving, truth teller who I’ve listened to carefully over the last two years, Dr Gold gives a concise understanding of the reality that we are living under a tyranny that we never thought was possible in America. I am giving you an overview of the highlights of that talk. All of us should hear it closely and share it with our loved ones.
Most people – the American public in general and even Christians in particular – don’t even realize what we’ve already lost. We naturally all hope that loss is temporary. If we get our rights back, it will only be if we fight hard and fight intelligently (by the grace of God).
Dr Gold then describes what effective fighting looks like, noting that we have already lost most of our constitutional rights, except for the 2nd amendment, which is only being retained because of an ongoing struggle by a relative few freedom-loving patriots committed to winning that battle no matter what the cost. The freedoms of religion and free speech have been proven to be nullified during the last two years with very little resistance from only a very few Christians and leaders willing to speak out publicly.
The right to peacefully assemble has been seriously given up by many who insist on staying six feet away and demanding you wear a mask and limit congregating with a small number of people.
The 4th amendment is the right to bodily integrity. That is gone because people are willingly giving up their right to turn down a vaccine voluntarily because they actually haven’t been informed. Most people who are not taking the shot are refusing out of free will. By choice, those who are taking the shot are doing so because of social pressure but without being adequately informed so they’re voluntarily giving up their fourth amendment. You have a constitutional right to your own bodily integrity.
The 5th amendment includes due process of law. Along with the sixth amendment assuring a fair and speedy trial, the many unjustly jailed citizens after the January 6th event in Washington D.C. show clearly that America is under a complete tyranny.
The 7th amendment guarantees trial by jury, which has also been greatly ignored for masses of law-abiding citizens.
The 8th amendment insists that no cruel and unusual punishment shall be inflicted, but how many citizens are suffering like violent criminals in solitary confinement for months, for just gathering and speaking out peacefully.
How did we lose so many constitutional rights?
Dr Gold reminds us that Nikita Khrushchev, president of the USSR, explained that a Marxist takeover of America without firing a single shot requires collapsing a society in four stages: 1. Demoralization, 2. Disorienting, 3. Crisis, and 4. The promise of normalization. He said that over 50 years ago.
The carefully funded and well-planned destructive riots of 2020 were allowed by federal, state and local bureaucrats to demoralize much of the public in America, to the shock of the entire world. The sudden rise in main-stream attention to BLM, CRT, supposed white supremacy, and a variety of exaggerated philosophical wars, added to the demoralization process that leads to widespread disorientation with the confused rhetoric coming from widely publicized prima-donnas in the news media; constantly changing their stories about the supposed effectiveness and safety of highly controversial injections.
Dr Gold showed a composite video of many quotes and headlines that exposed the pathetic lies of the highly spotlighted and most distrusted medical bureaucrat in American history. You should watch his eyes at the very end of the 2-minute video, after boldly claiming the shots are “highly effective.” How can anybody believe this guy?
For millions with practically no other informed inputs, this constant pounding of lies is clearly responsible for a disoriented public. Exactly what Nikita Khrushchev said was on their communist agenda.
At the outset of the publicly proclaimed crisis, they told you that the virus was the thing that was going to kill you, but they knew all along that individual susceptibility to the virus was the issue. We knew that because children and healthy people were not dropping dead. They knew that since the very beginning. So, if the public had truly known that only the frail or elderly were going to get really sick, would they really have complied with masks and six-foot distancing orders? Would our schools have been shut down?
Then came another big new lie.
They told us that asymptomatic spread was a thing. It’s not a thing. It’s a myth like bigfoot. We know this from many studies. There’s a 10-million-person study from Wuhan, China in which 10 million people, who were PCR positive and asymptomatic. They looked back to see how many of those 10 million people actually became clinically ill. The answer is zero. Other studies confirm that. This was just the biggest one. How many people in the American public have ever heard this fact?
Dr Gold reminds us that the public was told that early treatment is dangerous. She notes that that was how she personally knew, as a doctor, that this was all a big hoax. They were starting to tell her as a doctor, things that she knew were not true. Hydroxychloroquine has been around for 65 years. The FDA approved it. It’s derived from quinine, found in tree barks. It’s reputed that George Washington gave it to his troops. It’s on the who’s who list of essential medications that all nations need to have in their possession at all times. So is ivermectin. When media doctors and scientists insisted these proven treatments were unsafe, she was perplexed. That was a lie. There are more than 300 studies on hydroxychloroquine and 60 studies on ivermectin. Just look at the nation of India. Those areas where early treatment with ivermectin are now declared covid-free. Other areas where ivermectin was not used as they relied on vaccines, still have high covid numbers.
The widely heard media claim that lockdowns work has been disproven. The former FDA commissioner has now announced that the six-foot distancing rule was completely arbitrary.
The public has been misled to believe that masks work. In reality, they do work to prevent people in public from looking into the face of other scared people who’ve been bullied into an action that has no scientific justification. Knowing the facts makes us realize that many of our fellow citizens are either living in fear or cowardice. It’s shameful and upsetting. The virus size is 0.1 micron – the size of one one-thousandth as wide as a human hair. The pore size in a mask is 200 to 1,000 times bigger than that. It’s like throwing sand at a chain link fence, expecting the fence to keep the sand out.
At cdc.gov we see that “delta” is the only dominant strain. The original Wuhan variant is no longer an issue, but the emergency authorized “vaccines” do not stop the transmission of delta. As highly vaccinated nations like Israel get more doses of vaccines, the sickness numbers go up. Also, the vaccinated acquire and transmit the virus easily, while those who already have had covid have immunity and will continue to be immune. The Delta variant is overwhelmingly recoverable so there’s no reason to live in fear.
Most importantly, early treatment will always work. Please get it from a cooperative doctor. Go to americasfrontlinedoctors.org/meds. Have treatments on hand before you need them.
It’s vital that Americans accept the reality that medical tyranny is what we are now living under. It is just a means to control us like religious tyranny was used in Europe before the Reformation. It can be economic tyranny too. But those are not the issues to obsess over. Tyranny is what you must focus on. Communist idealogues decided long ago that medical tyranny is the most effective form of tyranny to cause great fear and cowardice, while causing hyper reliance on authority. It distracts people from the real enemy.
Being raised as a child by a father who survived the holocaust, Dr Gold was deeply impressed by learning of the irrational belief that was promoted in Germany that Jewish people were measurably inferior to ‘aryans.’ She says, we are also living in a time of hyper reliance on people with authority. Put someone in a white lab coat and people become like zombies, believing whatever they say. She showed an amusing vintage 50s video advertising the preferred cigarette brand smoked by American doctors. Show this to young people and get the conversation started.
We really need to help people think. When the FDA reported recently that 17 of their doctors voted in favor of giving the covid shot to children, this is unprecedented. Children don’t typically die from covid… only those with extreme handicaps like end-stage leukemia and lymphoma. That’s it and the doctors know this well, but don’t talk about it.
The hyper reliance on authority has gotten people to take sides. It’s just childish divisiveness, used by tyrants to divide and conquer. Our mutual enemy is the tyrannical overlords who want to divide and conquer both groups and pit us against each other. Those choosing to be injected are not the enemy. They either made their own rational choice or were subjects of propaganda. Know the facts and turn your attention to the real enemy.
Vaccine mandates are a Chinese communist tool in the infrastructure to control us, removing all human freedom and individual rights. How does the one percent control 99 percent of the people? It’s not by having more policemen; not like Nazi Germany. Our version of fascism will be bureaucratic social control and informed truth-seekers on the front lines.
Once you understand that what we’re living through is an attempted communist takeover of our nation, it’s time to let your inner warrior out. Go on the offensive. Do not be defensive. Every single person can push back to some degree.
Effective battle strategy now is rescuing the future. That is done with home schooling. It has doubled in the past year from 5.5% to 11%. Dr Gold expressed her surprise. She was public schooled. So were her children. Now, after giving many speeches with wide exposure across the country, she is convinced that this one change will transform our nation. She says, the one thing we all can do is pull our children out of the public school system. When children belong to the state, parents are strictly prohibited from being their educators.
Like many others, Dr Gold has been shocked to see that children in government schools are being deliberately manipulated to turn against God, against their country, and against their family. Can there be any clearer reason why loving parents must all exodus the public school system? She says you must do this for two reasons: for your own sake and for the sake of your nation. She quoted Pastor Rob McCoy who quoted Lenin, saying: “give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted. Give us the trial for eight years and they will be communists forever. Destroy the family and you destroy the country. From the earliest days of their little lives, they must find themselves under the beneficent influence of communist schools. Oblige the mother to give her child to the soviet state.”
This, my friends, is a reality that must sober us all to be the watchman on the wall to warn our countrymen that the invaders are already here… like a Trojan horse… entrapping impressionable people with bribes like fancy school programs and peer pressure to intimidate and conquer our whole nation with ideas that war against both God and common sense.
Dr Gold said, the reason this is such an important topic is because as soon as they rolled these shots out to the 12 to 15-year-old group, which is when her group brought their first lawsuit, only one week passed before local governments took away parent’s rights to consent or the right to even know about the child getting the shot in a school. That’s not universal but many local jurisdictions did that. It was very clear to her that the shots, and a lot more, are really just a pretext to take control, and the best way to do that is to break up the family.
Dr Gold showed a clip from Tucker Carlson’s report on the governor of Virginia when he debated that parents must accept what the expert teachers say about what their children learn in school. Many people are independently coming to the same realization that this is absolutely an effort to take down the nation, but an area that every family can exercise powerful influence. Dr Gold said, if you do not pull your children out of the public school system the odds of your children having the same value system as you are very low. Young people of course are heavily influenced by the social environment. Most who do not pull their children out will face a very lonely, heartbreaking situation in a few years when they’re sitting across the thanksgiving dinner table from a raging leftist, who tells them everything that they’ve done wrong in their family, their life, and their nation.
Don’t you think your grandparents who sacrificed everything during World War Two would agree?
Dr Gold went on to say, in addition to vastly improving your own personal odds of a strong family relationship, the second benefit is for your nation. Children who are homeschooled are not going to become enemies of the nation. That’s for sure. Raising sensible, God-loving patriotic human beings is the surefire, ultimate way out of this mess. Stop the children from ingesting poison. Please consider it.
Dr Gold’s second big idea to consider is that there are really no blue states. There are just blue cities. Strongly consider moving to a non-city. It turns out size does matter and you want less of it. Move to less dense areas and get to know your sheriff. The America’s Frontline Doctors association provides valuable free services for citizens at AFLDS.org.
Another very important thing to consider is joining the citizen corps. Citizen corps is how you find people in your
neighborhood who are allied with you and who could become the people that go with you to the school boards in the in your local city council meetings and go track down the public health supervisor. People are teamed together in the same areas. Read the legal and news sections to become informed.
Dr Gold makes a strong appeal to refuse to be coerced. Whether you decide to take a shot or not, if you allow yourself to be coerced in any decision, you know you wake up the next day as a different person. You will never have personal dignity after you allow yourself to be coerced. As a human with dignity made in God’s image, do not allow yourself to be coerced just because you can’t imagine what your life would be like if you lost your job. The implications of allowing yourself to be bullied and going along with the bullying is going to change you as a person. The people who got the shots that didn’t want to get the shot and then had a bad effect… those are the ones who can’t accept it and struggle to move on.
Dr Gold’s story and heart-felt evaluation deepened my grasp of the reality upon us all.
It brings us before every Biblical and historic hero who dared to challenge the ‘goliaths’ of their time. Whether it’s Moses before Pharoah, Joshua and Caleb before Canaan’s giants, or Gideon with 300 Israelite warriors facing over 100,000 Midianite enemies, we can begin to identify with Queen Esther, appointed by God for “such a time as this.”
With the enemy of God’s kingdom, using his usual tactics of lies and fear to make our peers pressure God’s people to bow to cowardice, God’s Holy spirit reminds us to “fear not”
Zep 3:17 “The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.
And always remember…
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.”
Remember that from Isaiah 26:3. And, before I give you some links to a few other new resources I discovered recently, there were a few more insights made by Dr. Simone Gold that I felt were worth sharing.
She made an urgent appeal to enlist others in the freedom arguments. Do not waste time discussing the pros and cons of the vaccines. That’s everyone else’s choice. It’s their business how much they want to get educated on the subject. It’s a freedom fight. We all have accepted that there’s a booster shot required, but they’re already talking about a fourth booster. There’s going to be infinite boosters, but it’s finally making its way into the media. people are talking about it. It will never end, so enlist people in the freedom fight. There’s plenty of people who took the shots but don’t like the idea of being forced, and don’t like the idea of being forced into more and more boosters all the time. Find those people.
Go on the offensive. When you understand that this is a battle for tyranny and communism, then you’re empowered. This isn’t just me whining. This is really a serious matter that we’re facing. Participate in mass citizen engagement events. Talk to everybody. Fight back.
You must leave the public schools. There isn’t an option. You leave this year, or you leave next year but you’re leaving. Anyone who believes in God, family, and country – you’re going to get out sooner or later. You might as well make it sooner.
Move to, or consider moving to, a lower population density area. Dr Gold says she always likes to say that you must be joyful while fighting. This is an imperative. It’s not optional. They’re trying to get you with misery. It’s one of the reasons they attack people of faith, because people of faith are not nearly as miserable as people without faith.
She concluded, saying to put a smile on. Engage. You can be funny; you can push back with humor but you have to actually be joyful. If you’re not joyful you get concerned with misery. And it’s really tough to fight if you’re miserable. It’s tough to look people in the eye. It’s tough to have courage and strength. So absolutely, resolve to be joyful.
Dr Gold notes how her life is very different from a year and a half ago. She was a fulltime emergency physician and was then fired from a couple of hospitals when she started standing up for truth and freedom. Her life and medical license have been threatened. Life changes. When you’re scared to lose your job, your mortgage; worried about your family… somehow, it will work out. What won’t work out is if you bend your knee and do what you don’t want to do for a human master.
2Ch 16:9 “For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.”
“For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” Zep 3:17 NLT
Isa 43:1 But now, thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel:
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you. For I am the LORD your God, The Holy One of Israel, your Savior” Isa 43:1-3
Worth repeating …
Worldwide Warning: Dr. Zelenko Says COVID Jab Is World War 3 (InfoWars interview with Alex Jones – Dec 3, 2021)
This is World War 3; wake up; take your kids out of school; home school them. The WHO issued a statement that students enrolled in public schools are automatically assumed by the system to have implied that the parents agree to let the staff of the school inoculate them if that is the policy of the school. All the new variants are just changes of the structure of the same original virus.
Dr Bryan Ardis in multiple reports and interviews…
…repeated what we’ve heard from many real physicians treating real patients. [e.g. https://rumble.com/vs27k0-mg-show-01062022.html]
- American Heart Association (Nov. 8, 2021) published that the mRNA vax dramatically increases cardio vascular inflammation, increase blood clot disorders, increase strokes, increase heart disease. The dramatic increase is known to be following the vax.
- The majority of deaths occur in the first 48 hours after being vaxxed (50% of all deaths reported after the two shots). 80% are in the first seven days. For the first time in history, the federal agencies have decreed that people are considered unvaxxed for the first 14 days after taking the two shots. That totally removes all liability for the deaths and injuries occurring during the days they are declared to be still unvaxxed.
- Harvard, in 2010, after a three-year-long review, reported less than 1% of all adverse events are reported because most doctors don’t know VAERS of the CDC even exists, and they don’t want to write a duplicate report for VAERS after their own records. After the study, CDC refused to take any initiative to improve the system after Harvard’s suggestions. By January 1, 2022, VAERS reports were over a million, with over 21,000 deaths and more than 40,000 life-altering handicaps.
- Life insurance claims stats in one large company report in 2022 a 40% increase in deaths in the 3rd and 4th quarter of 2021, for working ages 18-64… not covid deaths. All other causes for ?? reasons. Previously 10% would be cause for catastrophic alarm. Hospitals are also reporting never seeing so many increased deaths and illnesses from causes that are typically unknown for this age range. What are they doing differently? Injecting shots in millions that cause auto immune disease, heart disease, neurological diseases, etc.
- Dr Peter McCullough estimates there are about a million practicing medical doctors in the country, but only about 500 are actively promoting awareness of what’s really going on and how to safely protect from disease by avoiding the shots and using proven preventative and remedial solutions.
- Despite the widespread confusion and fear, the mainstream continues to relentlessly bully and misinform the public in attempts to persuade the 50% of the population that is unvaxxed to give in.
- We know the efforts of citizen journalists and truth-seeking patriots are working because the FDA filed an extension on October 26, 2021 for the EUA for 5-11-year-old children (28 million children) to get the shots, even though 100% of them have survived the “plandemic” for 2 years.
- See more info on why CDC regulated hospital protocols using Remdesivir are killing people.
- See more on why common refined sugar in the S.A.D. is destroying people’s immune systems.
- See links to forms you must have signed and notarized in your “get ready to go to the hospital” bag should you ever have an emergency need for a hospital.
PETER A. McCULLOUGH, MD, MPH, FACC, FCCP, FAHA, FNKF, FNLA, FCRSA; General Cardiology; Preventive Cardiology; Advanced Lipidology
FOLLOW Dr McCullough’s RUMBLE VIDEOS HERE: https://rumble.com/c/c-1240611
This is a very informative and important collection of interviews that everyone would benefit to hear. Included is his long interview with Joe Rogan in December 2021.
Millions Dead: Dr. McCullough on the American Moutsos Show Peter McCullough, MD This podcast was recorded in January 2024
The recent (December 2021) short interview on FOX news with Dr. McCullough emphasized the sharp divide between the honest desire of truth-seeking physicians to use effectively proven treatments to overcome the sickness in patients and the fear-mongering that is prevalent in dubious experts presented by the MSM. See it at: https://rumble.com/vrxo1v-why-is-early-treatment-left-out-fearmongers-demand-you-conform..html .
Many courageous, truth-telling patriots worldwide are making progress to expose the evil, which will ultimately bring it down. Remember that darkness cannot overcome the light once the light exposes the darkness.
Greg Reese outlines the update on international proceedings by a large group of truth-telling professionals against the CDC, the WHO and the Davos Group in a video called Nuremburg 2.0
Dr Reiner Fuellmich is the public frontman for an international team comprised of hundreds lawyers and medical experts, who have begun legal proceedings over,
- the CDC
- the WHO
- the Davos group,
…for committing crimes against humanity…
The protocol for the PCR test given by the WHO and the CDC was knowingly set to a level that guaranteed 100% false positives or false negatives.
So there is no pandemic…
This is all about getting people to take the shot.
Their argument is that we are at the very least being subjected to an illegal experiment. And at the worst, global genocide.
Dr Fuellmich points out how the experimental jab is in clear violation of all ten of the Nuremberg Codes, which carry the penalty of death for those who violate them.
The Nuremberg Codes
Number 1:
Voluntary consent is absolutely essential. There should be no intervention or any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion.
By definition, a vaccine must provide immunity to the virus, protect recipients from getting the virus, reduce deaths, infections, circulation and transmission of the virus. We are told the experimental jab does none of these, yet they fraudulently call it a “vaccine”.
As far as duress, restraint and coercion, it’s everywhere: If you want your life back, get the shot.
Number 2:
The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results unprocurable by other methods. The most fruitful method would be a healthy immune system, which can be achieved through good health and natural supplements, such as Vitamin D and Vitamin C and Zinc but the people are not being told this. In fact, those that point it out are being vilified and silenced.
Number 3:
The experiment should be designed and based on the results of animal experimentation. This experimental jab skipped animal testing.
Number 4:
The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury. According to official reports, there are already thousands of deaths and over a quarter of a million injuries from this experiment.
Number 5:
No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur. Past trials have shown a strong possibility that these new spike proteins will cause a body to attack itself.
This is known as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) and recent doctors have blown the whistle that, this could end up killing everybody who’s been vaccinated in the next two years…
Number 6:
The risk to be taken should never exceed the benefit.
COVID-19 has a 98-99% survival rate, less deadly than the seasonal flu. The experimental jab is already the most dangerous vaccine in VAERS’ 30-year history.
Number 7:
Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death. There were no preparations made. There are no facilities. The subject shows up for their shot and goes home.
Number 8:
The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically-qualified persons. This experiment has been exclusively run by politicians, the media, celebrities and Big Pharma bureaucrats.
Number 9:
The subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end. Thousands of medical experts have attempted to end this madness and their voices continue to be silenced.
Number 10:
The experiment must be brought to an end, if resulting in injury or death. And yet, the experiment pushes on. Once again, those who violate these international laws are subject to the death penalty…
Legal proceedings are moving forward and evidence is being collected. Whistleblowers are directed to contact the international team at www.securewhistleblower.com. This is likely the biggest crime ever committed against the world population.
The question is, do we still have a judicial system to exact justice…?
COVID-19 | JAB – FULLY EXPLAINED IN 1Min. 39 Seconds – Listen Up! (rumble.com)
- the Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by Glaxo-Smith-Klein
- which owns Pfizer, the company that makes the injection against the covid19 virus
- which was started in the biological laboratory in Wuhan
- which was funded by Dr Fauci, the one who promotes the injection to the world
- Glaxo-smith-Klein is managed by the finance division of Blackrock
- Which manages the finances of the Open Foundation Group, the Soros Foundation
- Which manages the French Axa Group
- Soros owns the German company, Winterthur
- Which built a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought by the German Alliance
- Which coincidentally has Vanguard as a shareholder, who is a shareholder of Blackrock
- Which controls the central banks and manages a third of global investment capital
- Blackrock is also coincidentally a major shareholder of Microsoft
- Which is owned by the eugenicist himself, Bill Gates
- Who coincidentally is the shareholder of BioNTech and Pfizer
- Which … remember… sells a “miracle” injection and
- Was coincidentally the first sponsor of the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations
- Now, that should help you understand more about how a dead bat sold at a wet market in Wuhan has apparently infected the entire planet
This young UK researcher (?Irish or ?Scottish) has many resources listed on the above Rumble post, including the following long list of professional doctors worldwide who are working fearlessly to expose the truth about all that is going on and is essentially unknown by all those who listen only to the MSM.
Here’s a list of various doctors
These doctors are trying to bring you the truth at great cost to themselves. Search for them on uncensored search engines and platforms such as Brave, Duck Duck Go, Telegram, Bitchute, Rumble and Odysee. There are two Nobel Peace Prize winners and one nominee on this list.
Dr. Michael Yeadon (Former Pfizer VP)
Dr. Robert Malone (mRNA inventor)
Dr. Peter McCullough (most published on CV)
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (Nobel PP Nominee)
Dr. Kary Mullis (PCR inventor/Nobel PP winner)
Dr. Rima Laibow
Dr. Naomi Wolf
Dr. David Martin
Dr. Luc Montainger
Dr. Roger Hodkinson
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Dr. Judy Mitkovitz
Dr. Carrie Madej
Dr. Vernon Coleman
Dr. Ben Tapper
Dr. Michael Lake
Dr. Christiane Northrop
Dr. Simone Gold
Dr. Sean Brooks
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai
Dr. Jane Ruby
Dr. Ryan Cole
Dr. Kevin Stillwagon
Dr. Afzal Niaz
Dr. Rashid A.Buttar
Dr. Paul Thomas
Dr. Vanessa Passov
Dr. Jessica Rose
Dr. Christopher Rake
Dr. Charles Hoffe
Dr. Mark Mcdonald
Dr. Jeff Barke
Dr. Andrew Kaufman
Dr. Manuel Alonso
Dr. Amir Shahar
Dr. Patrick Phillips
Dr. Bryan Ardis
Dr. Franc Zalewski
Dr. Daniel Griffin
Dr. Zandra Botha
Dr. Rochagné Kilian
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Dr. James Lyons-Weiler
Dr. Henry Ealy
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
Dr. Michael Palmer
Dr. Eddy Bettermann MD
Dr. Harvey Risch
Dr. Steven Hotze
Dr. Dan Stock
Dr. Sam Duby
Dr. Francis Christian
Dr. Chris Milburn
Dr. John Carpay
Dr. Richard Fleming
Dr. Gina Gold
Dr. Kevin Corbett
Dr. Michael Mcdowell
Dr. John Witcher
Dr. Jim Meehan
Dr. Chris Shaw
Dr. Anne McCloskey
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Dr. Christiana Parks
Dr. Robert Young
Dr. Amandha Vollmer
Dr. Judy Wilyman
Dr. Michael McConville
Dr. Stella Immanuel
Dr. James Nellenschwander
Dr. Julie Ponesse
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi
Dr. Paul Cottrell
Dr. Lee Merritt
Dr. Rochagne Killian
Dr. Larry Palevsky
Dr. Natalia Prego Cancelo
Dr. Hilde de Smet
Dr. Elizabeth Evans
Dr. Brian Hooker
Dr. Joel Hirschhorn
Dr. R. Zac Cox
Dr. Mohammed Adil
Dr. Ralph ER Sundberg
Dr. Johan Denis
Dr. Daniel Cullum
Dr. Anne Fierlafijin
Dr. Kevin Corbett
Dr. Pior Rubis
Dr. Pascal Sacre
Dr. Nicole Delepine
Dr. Lorraine Day
Dr. Yoav Yehezkelli
Dr. Nour De San
Dr. Kelly Brogan
Dr. Hervé Seligmann
Dr. Annie Bukacek
Dr. Mark Brody
Dr. Steven LaTulippe
Dr. Mark Trozzi
Dr. Scott Jensen
Dr. Byram W. Bridle
Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Dr. Larry Palevsky
Dr. Tom Cowan
Dr. Dan Erickson
Dr. James Todaro
Dr. Joe Lapado
Dr. Richard Bartlett
Dr. Ben Edwards
Dr. Pierre Kory
Dr. Heather Gessling
Dr. Bryan Tyson
Dr. Richard Urso
Dr. John Littell
Dr. Scott Jensen
Dr. Ben Carson
Dr. Peter Schirmacher
Dr. Zandra Botha
Dr. Pamela Popper
Dr. Tom Barnett
Dr. Theresa Long
Dr. Nancy Burks
Dr. Russel Blaylock
Dr. Shiv Chopra
Dr. Suzanne Humphries
Dr. Tori Bark
Dr. Meryl Nass
Dr. Raymond Obamsawin
Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot
Dr. Robert Rowen
Dr. David Ayoub
Dr. Boyd Hailey
Dr. Roby Mitchell
Dr. Ken Stoller
Dr. Mayer Eiesenstien
Dr. Frank Engley
Dr. David Davis
Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych
Dr. Harold Butram
Dr. Kelly Brogan
Dr. RC Tent
Dr. Rebecca Carley
Dr. Andrew Moulden
Dr. Jack Wolfson
Dr. Michael Elice
Dr. Terry Wahls
Dr. Paul Thomas
Dr. Stephanie Seneff
Dr. Richard Moskowitz
Dr. Jane Orient
Dr. Richard Deth
Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic
Dr. Chris Shaw
Dr. Susan McCreadie
Dr. May Ann Block
Dr. David Brownstein
Dr. Jayne Donegan
Dr. Troy Ross
Dr. Phillip Incao
Dr. Robert Mendelson
Dr. Theressa Deisher
Dr. Sam Eggertsen
Dr. Peter Doshi
Dr. Shankara Chetty
Dr. Elizabeth Eads
Dr. Kurt Malhom
Dr. Carolyn Bosack
Dr. Heiko Shoning
Dr. Aseem Malhotra
Dr. Patricia Lee
Dr. Daniel Nagase
Dr. Mobeen Syed
Dr. Bruce Patterson
Dr. Randi Juanta
Dr. Phillip McMillan
Dr. Peter Gotzche
Dr. Kurt Malholm
Dr. Sam Sigoloff
Dr. Suzanne Humphries
Dr. Ariyana Love
Dr. Pierre Gilbert
Dr. Nathan Thompson
Dr. Scott Youngblood
Dr. Peterson Pierre
Dr. Darell Wolfe
Dr. Mary Tally Bowden
Dr. Thomas Ynges
Dr. Guido Hofmann
Dr. Anne Mcclosky
Dr. James Grundvig
Dr. Amanda Vollmer
Dr. Kevin Stillwagon
Dr. Luis Miguel de Benito
Dr. Bruce Boros
Dr. Steven Gundry
Dr. Ray Page
Dr. Tess Lawrie
Dr. Andreas Noack
Dr. Mark Hobart
Dr. Peter Campbell
Dr. Peter Johnston
Dr. Eric Nepute
Dr. Bradley Campbell
Dr. Joseph Yi
Dr Robert Morse ND
Dr Piotr Witczak (biolog)
Dr Jerzy Jaskowski
Dr H.Czerniak
Dr. Anna Martynowska
Dr. Byram Bridle
Prof. Dolores Cahill
Prof. Retsif Levi
Prof. Maria Majewska- neurobiologist
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