Will our Creator allow His creation to be Hijacked?

After hearing today’s report, you will have a better reason than ever to trust in the words of Jesus when He said, “So have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be (made) known.” (Matthew 10:26).

If you want the details on what you’re about to hear, be sure to listen to the extended bonus recording of this episode at ReclaimYourLegacy.com

After a full year of injecting people with an experimental gene altering shot for a patented infection that has never been isolated, called COVID-19, we can conclusively state that this is most definitely a weapon of mass destruction. It was intended to be from the start. It not only kills and cripples people in the present, it destroys unborn children in the womb as well. It is set to make a great part of the next generation of females infertile.


Your freedom to choose is why Truth tellers must Resist tyrants by obeying God

We’re all facing a lot of censorship and rampant disinformation and propaganda these days. If you’ve been a sincere follower of the Way of our master, Jesus the Messiah-the Christ for very long, you’ve likely been reminded of the answer of Peter and John to the Sanhedrin in Acts 4:19-20. Do you remember it?  Dr Luke records it this way.

“But Peter and John answered them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge, for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard.”

Honest people can’t help when confronted to give a straight-forward testimony of what they have personally witnessed. This applies not only to our testimony of what our Lord has done in our lives. It is a principle that applies to every area of what we know to be true, especially if that knowledge can make a life-saving difference in the choices that someone else will make, even after making a chain of bad choices.


Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God #317

In today’s world it’s becoming increasingly apparent even to unbelievers that true Christians will obey God rather than corrupted governors, in order to influence their nation rightly.

Why, in 1620, did the little congregation of Pastor John Robinson’s English Christ followers, whom we call Pilgrims, risk their lives to leave their native land to become unintended pioneers of an untamed wilderness in North America?  In a word, the motivation was tyranny – Religious tyranny.

Why, in 1776, did 30% of the British colonists in America risk their lives to declare what no people on earth had ever done to resist the monarch who dominated their private lives? Again, their motivation was tyranny – tyranny of their conscience.


The Righteous are Bold as a Lion

Proverbs 29:2 observes a fact about the result of influence in a culture for good or bad.  It says, “When the (uncompromisingly) righteous (those who are godly and in right relationship with Almighty God) flourish by increasing in number and in authority over the land, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan as if in mourning.”

Well, there’s a lot of groaning and complaining going on about the wicked, the corrupt and compromised immorality of all kinds going on at every level of society, particularly in the ruling class.

It’s natural to look at that, as most of us always have, and complain about the influence of wicked rulers, but there’s more to it than that… much more.

When you return from a day at work, or out shopping, or driving on the highways, or just interacting with the general public, would you say that the God-fearing, morally pure population of your country is “flourishing” and increasing in number?

Remember… all that must happen for evil to flourish in a culture is for the good people to keep quiet and do nothing.  Light dispels darkness. It’s not the other way around.
