Will our Creator allow His creation to be Hijacked?

After hearing today’s report, you will have a better reason than ever to trust in the words of Jesus when He said, “So have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be (made) known.” (Matthew 10:26).

If you want the details on what you’re about to hear, be sure to listen to the extended bonus recording of this episode at ReclaimYourLegacy.com

After a full year of injecting people with an experimental gene altering shot for a patented infection that has never been isolated, called COVID-19, we can conclusively state that this is most definitely a weapon of mass destruction. It was intended to be from the start. It not only kills and cripples people in the present, it destroys unborn children in the womb as well. It is set to make a great part of the next generation of females infertile.


Watchmen are Assigned to Warn their Community of Danger

By Dennis Petersen

Did you hear about the horrific Texas traffic accident involving over a hundred vehicles because of surprising glare ice on the road? A half dozen people died and over a hundred were injured, some with life debilitating injuries.

Now, if you had the knowledge that the road up ahead was so dangerous that it could cause the death of everyone going that way, wouldn’t you do everything in your power to stop everyone from rushing toward their destruction? Of course, you would. Who wouldn’t?  That’s just common humanitarian consideration for our fellow man. You’d have good reason to question the ethics or sanity of anyone who wouldn’t do that, wouldn’t you?


Our Time for War is Here Now

By Dennis Petersen

The man who is unquestionably regarded as the wisest man in history, young King Solomon, wrote: “To everything there is a season, ​​A time for every purpose under heaven…” 

That means even a time for war… and it’s here now.

When we read Solomon’s famous statement about the seasons of life in Ecclesiastes (chapter 2), we’re immediately faced with the disturbing reality that life is a continuing roller coaster of ups and downs. In light of the abundance of God’s word, we must draw our security and peace from the sheltering rest of our confidence in God through all of those ups and downs.  As Solomon wrote, there’s…
