email subj: To all my Friends – Please see this asap
If you were to ask me, “why did you start the Creation Resource Foundation,” or “why did you start doing a weekly radio show/podcast called “Reclaiming Your Legacy,” I would have to honestly give an answer that you would likely understand, but those who have not had a deeply personal experience with the risen Jesus Christ might think was kind of “far out.” It’s 2 things.
#1 The Providence of God
The reason both these ministries began, and continue, is simply that! The Providence of God, in both cases, led me to paths that were never on my mind. In fact, if the last 50+ years of my life had been up to my choices, I would have been happily directing a history museum somewhere in a historic region of America. But God had a different plan. And I’m so glad He did.
#2 The Gifts of God
Early in my life, I thankfully learned the truth that “without the LORD I can do nothing” but “with the LORD’s enablement I can do all things He directs me to do.” And that way ALL the glory and honor goes to HIM! That’s why I like to tell others the truth of Matthew 6:33 that my mother taught me when I was a school boy. “Seek FIRST His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.”
Two Principles God Planted in me
When I began earnestly seeking God on a deeply personal level, He led me to the invitation to “test all things, hold fast what is good” 1 Thes.5:21). Naturally, that idea affirmed His gift of curiosity and discovery that has been my passion since I was very young. Added to that was the surprising truth that “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). Of course, that idea became really evident as I lived life a bit and made mistakes that could have been avoided if I had KNOWN some things. Little did I know that God was going to make these two principles the cornerstones of the teaching ministries that have been my assignment for over four decades now.
Two Ways God Directs us to His Will
Sometimes believers figure what they want to do in life, and ask God to bless it or “shut the doors” to rearrange their plans. Others are content to keep doing what they’re doing til God confronts them with changes in circumstances or a profound challenge, forcing them to significantly re-directed paths. Both ways can seem like surprising epiphanies that some call “Serendipity.” Others call them “God-incidences.” His varieties in this process are endless, aren’t they?
In all thy ways Acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths!
That Bible verse (Prov. 3:5-6) has been on my bedroom wall in some form for over 60 years. And, true to His promise, He has always supplied my needs, usually through hard work, but notably at times, through very kind people who were gifted by God with both the means and the guidance to help meet my needs in various ways. I think I could write a book about the interesting “God-incidences” used to surprise me with His exceedingly gracious supply.
A Surprising Example of God’s Providential Supply
One of those special times was when I approached the writing of the Second Edition of my book, Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation, in 1999. It was an awesome series of miracles, that I could never have imagined possible. The whole story is absolutely amazing. I hope I can share it with you sometime. But one remarkable ‘providence’ of God was the financial means to allow me, when not traveling to teach seminars, to devote practically my full-time attention to the research, writing and design of the new book. It was enough to cover the payments for the mortgage on our house… for all three years until the project was finally published in 2002. It was all faithfully supplied every month, by one tiny rural congregation of mostly ‘older’ believers. They believed in continuing the mission of Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation, after 25 consecutive printings and hundreds of seminars reaching over 250,000 buyers of the book. Since then, we’ve distributed almost 50,000 more copies of the new, full-color expanded edition of the book, not counting translations printed in China, Russia, and Bulgaria. Each of those is another chapter in the collection of miraculous provisions to reach more readers with the unique presentation of Biblical scientific creation that is discovered in that book. If you haven’t read it, you’re in for a long string of eye-opening discoveries to enhance your understanding of our Creator’s Awesome Works.
Will “Unlocking the Mysteries” endure to the next generation?
When our LORD providentially directed me to begin the weekly radio ministry of Reclaiming Your Legacy in 2010, who could have imagined all the disturbing changes that would happen in our world since then? Thanks to the generosity of one long-time friend, the weekly sponsorship of the broadcast air-time on the radio station has been paid from the start. For me, that has been a continuing confirmation of God’s assignment to the mission of helping listeners discover Biblical insights to reclaiming their God-given legacies. Our seminars and book sales continued to supply for our living expenses, along with a modest income from our family’s small side-businesses. I never considered that the work I had been doing for years was really a kind of missionary endeavor. I had rarely given any thought to growing a mission support team. It wasn’t until 2017, after giving a creation seminar to a congregation in the northern high plains, that I began to realize that my life’s mission as a ‘teaching evangelist’ made it appropriate to consider asking friends and radio listeners to consider regularly supporting our mission with prayer and finance. That church graciously added our mission to their monthly missionary support budget, giving me the idea that God would be pleased to enable others to join with us on a regular basis… if we would just invite them.
This is YOUR invitation to join our Legacy Prayer Support Team
About twenty friends who receive this letter just like you, have made it possible for us to continue serving this mission with their faithful ongoing support. Every gift is deeply appreciated, no matter the amount. If the Lord is pleased to enable you and at least 20 other friends to set up a recurring donation of even $5 or $10 a month, that would be an important first step toward preparing the online learning resources I’m planning for all our listeners to the podcast and radio show. The below report describes some of the activities and projects I’m continuing to daily work on. In the coming weeks I will send you an update with more details of what is being planned.
In the meanwhile, if you would like to purchase a signed copy of one of the last remaining copies of the newest edition of my book, Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation, mail or bank transfer your payment of $50 via Zelle, Venmo, or direct deposit using my phone number or email address below.
If you haven’t yet listened to Reclaiming Your Legacy, I think you might find this episode particularly interesting, and maybe even ‘providential’ as a ‘gift’ worth passing along to a friend…
Please help with a challenge we face with modern communication.
So many friends are telling me that their Email inboxes are so buried with junk mail that they either miss seeing my once-weekly email about the content of my Reclaiming Your Legacy episode for the week… or… they mostly rely on other means of communication like Facebook, Messenger, or Instagram. Would you please let me know what way is best for you to receive my messages? I’ll see what I can do to accommodate what’s best for you.
Thank you for taking your time to read this and hear my heart about the calling God gives to us. As His children, we join with His fellow ‘heirs of salvation’ who know their God, to effectively do exploits to advance His kingdom. I trust He is at work in you and me both to will and do the works that He has prepared for us to bring pleasure to Him.
It will be great to hear from you. Then I’ll send you a personal reply.
Dennis Petersen
text me at 530-626-5215
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Here is my ministry report for now
In case you have not heard most of the messages that the LORD has enabled me to share on Reclaiming Your Legacy over the past year or so (see sample list with links below), it is timely that you and I connect, once again, in light of our mutual commitment to our commission to “…walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God” (Col 1:10).
It’s been 6 years since my wakeup call (heart attack) that really highlighted for me God’s word, in Psalm 90:12, to “number our days.” He reminds me often that “today is a gift” from Him. I guess that’s why we can call it “the present,” right? 😊 His word to “REDEEM THE TIME for the days are evil” (Eph 5:16) couldn’t be more timely, could it?
The LORD gave me wonderful opportunities to develop and present multiple new and revised PowerPoint presentations in three totally different settings:
All of these gave occasion to produce content that can be produced and distributed on the Internet world wide. THIS gives US the opportunity to equip God’s family for the ministry before them… long after our days here have ended. And THAT is why I need your partnership in prayer and … as God enables… your financial support too, more now than ever before.
I’m learning more than ever; just how vital it is for God’s family to take the commission to prayerfully intercede for one another very seriously. The energy and time investment to exercise God’s gift of teaching has been fueled by His inspired passion in me for years. But, as I’ve had to learn to respect the limitations of aging (I’m now nearing 78), He has been teaching me to ask “Calebs” and “Joshuas” to hold up my hands so I can effectively be used to prevail in the battle.
Unlike past decades, when much travel and many seminars and book sales largely supported the work of ministry that I have done… much of today’s cultural landscape is entirely different. The Internet is a great blessing for distributing content and information, but the culture around that convenient tool tends to expect access to content without cost. It also has greatly reduced invitations from churches to host live events that required people to interrupt their busier-than-ever schedules to attend a series of evening meetings.
So… to distribute the content online (like Power Point presentations, printable notes, eBooks, audio recordings, and videos), we must creatively invest in building digital distribution tools. This includes podcasts, blogs, eBooks, PDF files, Vlogs (videos on places like YouTube), and more. And they all take time, energy, and creative planning which require resources like computers, web services, and lots of prayer for God’s daily guidance to avoid the ‘land mines’ that can derail us all from His mission to disciple the nations. …Which reminds me that THAT is what He has largely been guiding my steps to do for most of the last five decades.
He has always been faithful to meet our needs on this mission field in the past… so I have every reason to be confident that He will be faithful to meet our needs as we move forward. So, if you pray and ask our Father in heaven if you might have a part in this mission, I trust that He will be faithful to do exceedingly above and beyond anything we could ask of Him (Ephesians 3:20). You can find ways to help at or you can send your donation to Creation Resource Foundation at:
CRF c/o Grace Community Church
4570 Pleasant Valley Rd.,
Placerville, CA 95667
If you pray and the Lord directs you to join our small but growing team of regular monthly mission supporters, please know that every shekel that He directs you to invest in our work will be frugally managed so we can accomplish more of the work that He has laid before us to do for HIS GLORY alone. See if He would be pleased for you to be one of 20 friends giving $25 or more a month so that we could meet our regular operating expenses. And if His grace permits you to help monthly with $100, your gifts will help expand and pay for the expenses needed to accomplish the Internet resource projects to help reach our generation globally for His honor.
Thank you for taking the time to hear my heart. I trust the Lord of Hosts will protect you from all harm in coming days as you abide in Him and walk in the light of His word. Your friendship is treasured as His special gift.
Dennis Petersen
text me at 530-626-5215
If you want to know more details below, I’m sure you’ll be excited to see what’s going on. And if you want to get copies of my book, Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation in time for gifts this season, be sure to contact me right away to deliver it to you in time. Either call me at 530-626-4447 or send me an email at – I look forward to hearing from you.
Unlocking The Mysteries of Creation (book) update – Our artist who worked with our production team for the book 20+ years ago is working on upgrading the digital files for our next reprint. This will also allow me to post selected parts of the content in articles on our website at . After searching for the digital files and finding a copy in Russia, we are so thankful to God that our artist has availed himself to help us again with this project, now that he is retired. We just need to raise about three months of wages for Him to prioritize the project.
Reclaiming Your Legacy radio/podcast –
Here’s a sampling of some recent episodes with the direct hot-links to see and hear them right now… I trust you’ll be informed, inspired and encouraged:
Tyranny or Liberty – the Choice is Yours
You are about to discover the cure (for COVID) but what is the price?
It’s Time to choose courage as evildoers threaten
The crossroads has become a precipice for this generation
Only an Informed and Involved People Can be Free
Will our Creator allow His creation to be hijacked?
The Battle for America’s Soul: Ways to Combat Mind Control
Modern day mind control is why Believers must BEWARE
Spectacular conspiracy BEING Exposed
See the interview I did with Thomas Pierce about my book, Unlocking… at: . My friend Thomas interviewed me on a zoom call for the Ekklesia ministry network he works with… about introducing some of the parts of my book, Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation. I think you’ll find it quite interesting. And maybe the Lord could use it to help me reach more people with some of the insights that He has given to me in helping people better understand His Awesome works. What do you think?
There are a number of projects that I’ve been working on for some time. I’ll be able to prepare them and get them out for everyone as the needed resources are available to do so. For example…
#1 – Reclaiming Your Legacy episodes that are being considered for production and broadcast as video programs will reach a larger audience that will be informed, equipped and encouraged with Bible insights to current issues and controversies.
#2 – Online video seminar series using the video recordings recently recorded by the staff of one of our local churches, including 9+hours of me teaching the PowerPoint presentations from our book, Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation. This is something we’ve wanted to do ever since VHS tapes became practically obsolete. You can watch them now at
#3 –Online short videos (series) that people worldwide can share in online apps like Instagram and Facebook. A collection about historic accounts and records of human contact with real dragons that were obviously living dinosaurs is just one that I’ve been wanting to present this way for years.
Producing my new book, 7 Keys, as a series of online segments with video links to include in our website, will provide families worldwide with access to this valuable resource to share with their children. It will also enable volunteer translators around the world to convert this publication to their languages to be posted on their websites.
Some projects to pray for… please intercede for all of these that resonate with your heart. With God’s help we’ll pursue His steps in creating these special resources for God’s people, so they can be equipped for the next generation of challenges, with rock-solid confidence in His Word.
Goal – produce series of mini video blog spots for UTMOC book
Goal – produce series of mini video blog spots for RYL evergreen series
Goal – pray for Spanish translation of UTMOC to be published
Goal – produce UTMOC mini-chapters online with video/audio segment links
** Many thanks for all your prayers, suggestions, and help **