When facing monumental Change and trials ahead how are we to go?

When I was a young teen growing up, I found a book in my grandmother’s collection (she was an avid reader of good books and the Readers Digest). It was “Men to Match My Mountains,” by Irving Stone.
The cover of the book was a picture of the snow-covered Sierra Nevada Mountain range. In the foreground on the golden prairies below, was a small train of covered wagons… Those pioneers were facing the biggest obstacle of their months-long journey across America’s vast plains.
Men to Match My Mountains is a true historical masterpiece. It’s an unforgettable pageant of giants—men like John Sutter. His dream of paradise was shattered by the California Gold Rush. Brigham Young and the Mormons were extraordinary men too. They tamed the desert with Bible texts. Frontier America called for greatness …and got it. Nothing in history can match the stories of the pioneers who braved the challenges of the wilderness to bring our young nation to the shores of the Pacific Ocean.