God’s People are Rediscovering their Divine Legacy in such a time as this by Dennis Petersen

You’re not alone if you feel horrified by the perverse and corrupt wickedness being exposed openly in our society’s mountains of influence.
Truly, the manufactured political crisis of a highly questionable health emergency is tragic. But God has been using it to expose unimaginable corruption and ignorance. Now, He’s using all of it to generate awakening and repentance.
In the post-Civil War generations, Christian pastors en masse, began failing their Biblical assignment. What’s that? Ephesians 4:12-14 tells us. It’s for…
“…the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ…” And that is expected to result that we would all grow up to maturity… no longer children… being tossed around by the trickery of deceitful men.
Doesn’t it make sense that should mean that the saints should all be actively prepared to disciple their own young people to be the influencers for righteousness in THIS nation?
But think of what happened. The generation that survived the Civil War created the industrial revolution, ushering humanity into the Space Age. It took only a century of growing, but eventually unimagined national prosperity reduced a spoiled and entitled generation to face the possible disaster of becoming another third world socialist country.