The Global Genocide Nightmare Has Just Begun

What happens when 3 billion voluntarily poisoned people suddenly have a yet-undiagnosed heart disease called myocarditis?

Ephesians chapter 5 exhorts us to: “Pay careful attention, then, to how you live ​— ​not as unwise people but as wise ​— ​ making the most of the time, because the days are evil. So don’t be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. (Eph 5:15-17).

Most of society who are still stuck in the make-believe horror story of main-stream media have not seen the results of a June 2022 preliminary survey sponsored by Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of Vaccine Safety Research Foundation ( See the details in the notes for today’s show at

The projections from this survey’s results are so disturbing that nobody in the corporate media will touch it.


Common Sense to Turn ON the Lights comes from Righteousness and Truth

By Dennis Petersen

When your society seems to have gone mad with wicked depraved ideas, you are being challenged to make choices.  Will you allow yourself to be herded like sheep to the slaughter?  Will you go with the flow and take your family by the seemingly easy path into the net of destruction? Or will you gather the courage to seek out the truth that will set you free no matter what the cost?

Are we motivated by Faith or by fear?

I have no doubt that all of us are being motivated to pray for God’s help in our perplexing times of need. But are we praying in fear or in faith?

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

2 Timothy 1:7

Credible Scientists Are Risking their Careers and lives to expose World government fraud set to kill millions

By Dennis Petersen

If you think about it, there’s a particularly good reason why one of the most oft-repeated warnings of the Bible and Jesus Himself, is the familiar phrase, “do not be deceived.”  Anyone who reads the Bible is familiar with the fact that the devil’s most glaring identity is “The Deceiver” (Rev 12:9), And his chief strategy to “steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10) is the clever art of deception. It has now become widely recognized that those who routinely get their knowledge and understanding from main stream media, and those who listen to all the corruption that is there, are inevitably more likely to fall for their deception. And almost every statement that is made on those public platforms are laced with dishonest, misleading and downright destructive intentions. If anything has awakened millions of our peers to the reality of evil in our world, it is the blatant distortion of reality presented in today’s anti-Christ portals of news and entertainment.
