Propaganda is easily sold to those easily influenced by what they love – money

By Dennis Petersen

For people who don’t follow or even believe in the Creator God and Savior of mankind as revealed in the Bible, the current state of the world is bringing the consideration of Almighty God into their reality.

Psalm 25 verse 8-13 speaks clearly to us if we have ears to hear the revelation: “Good and upright is the LORD; therefore, He shows sinners the way. He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way…. Who is the man who fears the LORD? He will instruct him in the path chosen for him. His soul will dwell in prosperity, and his descendants will inherit the land.”

The Lord has repeatedly reminded me of two of the pivotal Biblical motivations He used to drive me into the truth-telling, discovery-focused work of service that has used my meager abilities for over 45 years now. The first is Isaiah 58:12 – “you will raise up the age-old foundations, be called the repairer of the breach, and the restorer of streets in which to dwell.” 


Time for Righteous Action is NOW – How to pray for God’s Justice

This post includes a Bonus posted as a separate audio file (see below)

1Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”

The transcript for the Bonus extension program with expert witnesses is at the end of the main transcript below. Listen to the recording here…

We are in a war. More people than ever are awaking to the reality of that.  And as we do, we realize there are key elements of warfare – especially spiritual warfare – that every soldier must be constantly attentive to. As Jesus trained his 12 and his 70, and his 120 disciples – learning to work in harmony with each other – so, He is training His modern-day warriors to seek God’s direction, to intercede, to boldly speak up… to cooperatively work together under the guidance of the Holy Spirit… to prayerfully and courageously pursue the expanding work of God’s Kingdom, against which the gates of hell cannot prevail.


Informed Action generates community reformation when truth comes first

In an age of widespread disinformation and polarized opinions, how can honest, God-fearing people ever expect to see a positive transformation in society?

There’s a strong correlation between community transformation and the humble informed action of godly people in response to truth.  The observation of Isaiah’s generation in Israel parallels what we see today, but we have one big difference. He said:

“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed. Yes, truth is gone, and anyone who renounces evil is attacked. The LORD looked and was displeased to find there was no justice. He was amazed to see that no one intervened to help the oppressed. So, he himself stepped in to save them with his strong arm, and his justice sustained him.”

Isaiah 59:14-16

Spectacular Conspiracy being Exposed

Could you imagine how the enemy of humanity might possibly scheme to deceive the masses by employing professional institutions that were once trusted to be a friend?

If there exists one clearly understood fact about the devil, of which practically every true follower of Jesus is very aware, it’s his number one characteristic – he’s the master deceiver.  Revelation 12:7 identifies that serpent of old as “Satan, who deceives the whole world.” 

Can you imagine… tricking the whole world of humanity to almost universally believe in a lie?


Credible Scientists Are Risking their Careers and lives to expose World government fraud set to kill millions

By Dennis Petersen

If you think about it, there’s a particularly good reason why one of the most oft-repeated warnings of the Bible and Jesus Himself, is the familiar phrase, “do not be deceived.”  Anyone who reads the Bible is familiar with the fact that the devil’s most glaring identity is “The Deceiver” (Rev 12:9), And his chief strategy to “steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10) is the clever art of deception. It has now become widely recognized that those who routinely get their knowledge and understanding from main stream media, and those who listen to all the corruption that is there, are inevitably more likely to fall for their deception. And almost every statement that is made on those public platforms are laced with dishonest, misleading and downright destructive intentions. If anything has awakened millions of our peers to the reality of evil in our world, it is the blatant distortion of reality presented in today’s anti-Christ portals of news and entertainment.
