Will You Leave a Legacy of Confidence in God and in His Word?

By Dennis Petersen

As I’ve studied Scripture for many years, I keep discovering truths that become very apparent the Devil hopes you don’t discover… and this especially applies to the book of Genesis.

Psalm 78 gives us a divine prescription for a lasting legacy of Godly descendants. It says: “We will not conceal from our children… (God’s instructions that our fathers have told us) …but tell to the generation to come the praises of the Lord, and His strength and His wondrous works that He has done.” Ps 78:4.

And what’s the result? It goes on…

“That the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born, that they may arise and tell them to their children, that they should put their confidence in God and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments…” Ps 78:6, 7.


Thanksgiving in America – a legacy worth reclaiming #316

 Dr Marshall Foster, the brilliant Christian historian, American patriot, and founder of the World History Institute, was a master teacher of the story of America’s brave pioneers. His remarkable documentary called “Monumental,” produced in collaboration with patriot actor Kirk Cameron, is a profound telling of one of the best kept secrets among the historic places in the story of the birth of the American nation.

Two years before he died, Dr Foster wrote a brief summary of some of the providential events in the story that 21st century families seldom know about the people that inspired the tradition of American Thanksgiving. It was published in the March/April 2019 issue of the World History Institute as “The Pilgrims: The Untold Story.” See it at: https://s3.amazonaws.com/media.cloversites.com/7b/7b1202d0-06c2-40f6-b287-4071ddc76a28/documents/Mar-Apr_2019_v1r2-singles.pdf

All of Dr Foster’s journal issues are archived at World History Institute | Journals or https://worldhistoryinstitute.com/free-downloads/journals


How Can A Society Drift into Rejecting God?

Never Reject the Love of the Truth! by Dennis Petersen

free-choice-not-consequencesYou might wonder why a whole society seems to drift into a hardened rejection of the knowledge of God.  Why do people who resist God seem to fall prey to deeper and deeper deceptions in so many areas of life?

What do you want?

  • Confidence in your purpose in life?
  • To be pleasing to your Creator?
  • Victory over destructive influences in life?
  • Character qualities that glorify God?
  • Greater insight for success in your own journey?
  • Optimal physical well being and health?
  • Freedom to use your gifts most effectively?
  • Greater impact and influence on the world around you?

A wise man will hear and increase in learning and a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

Proverbs 1:5, 7

One of my best lessons I ever learned…

“My people are destroyed from a lack of knowledge.”

Hosea 4:6

“Through knowledge the righteous are delivered.”

Proverbs 11:9

“… if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”

James 1:5

What is the primary way that God gives His wisdom to those who ask of Him?


Can you expose the top 3 absurd assumptions of evolution?

By Dennis Petersen

geologic chartYou have probably seen evolutionary charts like this… but you might not have seen how to expose the faulty arguments behind them.  Those arguments have deceived many students into thinking the Genesis record is unscientific.  In reality, all a person has to do is ask some logical questions to reveal the utter foolishness of evolutionary assumptions.

You’ve heard educated evolutionists insist that it took a loooooong time… and that it was undirected by a Designer or God so it all happened by random chance… and of course, simple things got more complex  –  that’s evolution in a nutshell isn’t it?

Did you get that?  The 3 absurd assumptions of evolution we’re talking about here are:

Extraordinary Time
Random Chance
Increasing complexity

Don’t forget this key piece of the discussion.

The two major evolutionary fallacies that are required to get us to this point are covered in another chapter or article.  What are they?  They are the absurd answers given by evolutionists to the questions: “how did the universe get here?” and “where did life come from?” You’ve heard those answers I’m sure.  Here they are:

The Big Bang

Spontaneous Generation

And don’t forget the simple questions you can use to reveal the ‘emptiness’ of those two supposed ‘scientific’ causes for the two most significant ‘effects’ that can lead anyone to a realization that there has to be a Creator.

#1 – Did you ever see an explosion cause an increase in the orderliness and complexity of anything?

#2 – Can you even imagine how to put life into chemicals, even if they are cleverly arranged into all the organs and systems of a now-dead corpse?

What’s really at the bottom of evolution teaching?

What is seldom mentioned to unwary and impressionable young students today is that evolutionists believe in bigger miracles than Christians ever dreamed of.  They even admit it on occasion.  And the reason their misguided faith is really nothing less than sheer gullibility is because their miracles had no adequate cause to perform them.  Nature and common sense demonstrate scientifically that any result or ‘effect’ requires an adequate cause.  By definition, the Creator of the universe that exists independent of natural substances is the only adequate “cause” for the universe and life. (more…)