Will You Leave a Legacy of Confidence in God and in His Word?

By Dennis Petersen

As I’ve studied Scripture for many years, I keep discovering truths that become very apparent the Devil hopes you don’t discover… and this especially applies to the book of Genesis.

Psalm 78 gives us a divine prescription for a lasting legacy of Godly descendants. It says: “We will not conceal from our children… (God’s instructions that our fathers have told us) …but tell to the generation to come the praises of the Lord, and His strength and His wondrous works that He has done.” Ps 78:4.

And what’s the result? It goes on…

“That the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born, that they may arise and tell them to their children, that they should put their confidence in God and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments…” Ps 78:6, 7.


Josiah – Boy King – a model of bold humility

By Dennis Petersen

Did you ever discover something you didn’t know that made a big change in your life?

Have you ever heard of a boy named Josiah?

He lived over 2600 years ago.  He was only 8 years old when his extremely evil father (King Amon of Judah) was assassinated in his own house by his royal servants after only 2 years of being king of Judah.  Amon had followed in the grossly sinful footsteps of Josiah’s grandfather, King Manasseh. During his 55-year reign, Manasseh seduced a whole generation of God’s people to do more evil than the idol-worshipping Canaanites that the LORD destroyed by Israel’s armies in prior generations. Despite the 29-year flourishing of their people under Manasseh’s father, King Hezekiah, the people of Judah under Manasseh, followed his evil abominations to do more wickedly than God’s wicked enemies, the Amorites. They followed after immorality and idolatry that secularized the people of Israel under false gods. (2 Kings 21:2, 9, 11).


The Creator of Mankind is regaining Center Stage of Human attention

By Dennis Petersen

The historic, providentially prepared founders of America, against all politically correct conventional wisdom of that day, defiantly and bravely declared that there are certain truths that are self-evident.

Have you noticed the very first truth they listed in the Declaration of Independence?  There’s not a hint that there was any dispute at all about the Biblical truth of the eternal existence of the Creator God.  In the 18th century, the reality of Jehovah God was undeniably embossed on the minds of virtually all thinking people.  In fact, even carelessly immoral and dishonest people, back then, would generally have agreed with the biblical truth that, yes, all humans must ultimately give an account to their Creator for the actions of their lifetime.

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Perilous Times in exile for a lack of knowledge?

How do you restore a fallen country, culture, society?

Prayerful Education of Christians must begin with parents and pastors to restore a fallen country

Is there any doubt that we’re living in “perilous times?”

Proverbs 29:2 says:

“When the righteous are increased (or flourish in number and authority), the people rejoice; But when the wicked (man) rules, the people groan.”

Is it any wonder we’re hearing a lot of groaning these days?  And it’s not so much because of the ordinary stresses of life really, is it?  A lot of our complaining is the direct result of governing over-reach into the private affairs of citizens.  From where does corruption in political government come? Isn’t it from the infection of every nation or organization that is ruled by self-serving leaders?  But the policing part of the public government equation is increasingly necessary only because of the epidemic lack of Godly morality and self-control among the public at large. George Washington, John Adams and others insisted that those two things were absolutely essential for the preservation of our constitutional republic.


Meekness – What is the most important thing you have ever learned?

the miraculous quality of childlike meekness – By Dennis Petersen

Yahveh’s prophet, Isaiah, declared “For My hand made all these things, thus all these things came into being declares the LORD … But to this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word.” Isaiah 66:2

When you think about taking a proactive change of direction to reclaim your legacy, what do you think is the most important thing that you’ve personally learned in your lifetime so far?  While you make the focus of your attention on having a positive influence on your own children and grandchildren – your next generation – what truth or idea have you discovered that is such a powerful influence on your own life that you’d have to include it among the very top dozen or so important things that you have ever learned in your life?


Nations are shaking as God is calling people to Move Mountains

It’s becoming increasingly apparent to even low-information voters in America that there is a spiritual – God originated – agenda behind the awakening recovery of righteousness in America. 

The public acknowledgement of God’s saving intervention in the preservation Donald Trump’s life, followed by his astonishing landslide re-election to the office of the most influential position in the world, has had a huge public impact on at least the mental recognition that God is at work. Some other nations are experiencing fearless and godly voices arising to prominence in them … and that’s getting a lot attention as well.


How can so many people be so easily deceived?

By Dennis Petersen

Have you been amazed at how so many people can be so easily deceived?  Even people who seem to be fairly even-tempered and practice common sense are surprising some of us when they reveal that they have bought into various common lies in today’s culture. It seems sometimes that many people have completely lost their minds. They’ve lost their ability to think… to reason… to discern what’s really true. So consequently, confusion prevails. And where confusion prevails you inevitably have a pandemic of fear. And when people are prone to fear they tend to make hasty and bad choices. And that only leads to more confusion plus a flood of hopelessness. They are set up to bow to a false authority, promising them deliverance and unable to deliver it, or they are prepared to hear good news that can change their lives for eternity.

Jesus predicted in two of the gospel accounts that “false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24:24, and Mark 13:22). When we see how effective the main stream media has been at persuading half the population of the entire world into the most spectacular deception in history, perhaps we can be more discerning.


Our Ambassador Assignment to Stand Strong in the Culture War

The Pagan Left has dominated the Culture War in America far too long

“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ” Col 2:8

Did you know that Noah Webster, America’s Schoolmaster, said during our founding era, “…that the man who weakens or destroys the divine authority of the Bible may be accessory to all public disorders that society is doomed to suffer.”

The term “Culture War” has become common in describing contemporary American life and politics.

Is it possible for a Biblically faithful culture to survive in this cultural war that has essentially determined the ways of thinking, living, and behaving in a post Christian society?


Thanksgiving in America – a legacy worth reclaiming #316

 Dr Marshall Foster, the brilliant Christian historian, American patriot, and founder of the World History Institute, was a master teacher of the story of America’s brave pioneers. His remarkable documentary called “Monumental,” produced in collaboration with patriot actor Kirk Cameron, is a profound telling of one of the best kept secrets among the historic places in the story of the birth of the American nation.

Two years before he died, Dr Foster wrote a brief summary of some of the providential events in the story that 21st century families seldom know about the people that inspired the tradition of American Thanksgiving. It was published in the March/April 2019 issue of the World History Institute as “The Pilgrims: The Untold Story.” See it at: https://s3.amazonaws.com/media.cloversites.com/7b/7b1202d0-06c2-40f6-b287-4071ddc76a28/documents/Mar-Apr_2019_v1r2-singles.pdf

All of Dr Foster’s journal issues are archived at World History Institute | Journals or https://worldhistoryinstitute.com/free-downloads/journals
