Time for Righteous Action is NOW – How to pray for God’s Justice

This post includes a Bonus posted as a separate audio file (see below)

1Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”

The transcript for the Bonus extension program with expert witnesses is at the end of the main transcript below. Listen to the recording here…

We are in a war. More people than ever are awaking to the reality of that.  And as we do, we realize there are key elements of warfare – especially spiritual warfare – that every soldier must be constantly attentive to. As Jesus trained his 12 and his 70, and his 120 disciples – learning to work in harmony with each other – so, He is training His modern-day warriors to seek God’s direction, to intercede, to boldly speak up… to cooperatively work together under the guidance of the Holy Spirit… to prayerfully and courageously pursue the expanding work of God’s Kingdom, against which the gates of hell cannot prevail.

The Psalms are punctuated with prayers for God’s justice to be done. More than ever in our lifetimes, God’s saints are discovering the appropriateness for us to pray humbly to our Righteous Judge, “Do not let me be ashamed, O LORD, for I have called upon You; let the wicked be ashamed; let them be silent in the grave. Let the lying lips be put to silence, which speak insolent things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous.” Psalm 31:17-18.

“Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered; let those .. who hate Him flee before Him… let the wicked perish at the presence of God.” Psalm 69:1-2.

There are many more throughout Scripture. And as the enemy’s wickedness becomes exceedingly destructive through his corrupted servants to destroy the goodness of God, we must access this much unused weapon in God’s arsenal.

The big challenge of a broad-spectrum platform like public radio today is that you inevitably have people listening who are at every imaginable level of awareness, cognitive ability and spiritual maturity.  If you have heard my voice before right now, you realize that I have attempted to make scriptural principles plain in their application to the sobering and difficult situations that confuse and burden everyone out there who is sincerely looking for God-honoring answers. It’s not an easy task. 

But more importantly, if you’ve heard me before, you no doubt heard me emphasize the invitation to share what you’re hearing with others. And that’s the main point.  Scripture is clear. None of us are excused from helping others. Jesus said it clearly. Whatever we do or don’t do to the “least of these,” we do or don’t do to Jesus himself.  That’s the big message of Paul’s appeal in Philippians 2:3-4.  Humbly regard others more important than yourself and don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in the needs of others, too.

We can all do better at this.  It’s honestly puzzling that so many nice Christian people who listen to a show like this … have never told anyone about the vitally important things they’ve heard or given them a link to a life-changing video that’s linked on the program details for each of these programs on our website.

Do you have a computer or a tablet or smart phone with access to the Internet?  Most people do. Now, if you don’t, you probably know someone who does, who’s friendly enough with you that you could ask them to help you go to a website and share something with a friend that you honestly care about.  And it’s not just about this program… our culture is swimming in abundant sources of life-changing information. And you don’t have to think that your objective has to be to give them the whole gospel and get them saved… For goodness sake… Jesus said in Matthew 10:42, “…if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded.” 

Do you think someone you know desperately wants to know where they can get information about what to do about the conditions that are causing them so much anxiety… right now?  What’s stopping you from taking action… today?  Whether it’s what to do about staying well, recovering from the plague, or dealing with the hassles of bureaucratic interference in your life, we’ve given lots of helpful connections to experts who have the solutions you need.  We’ll be doing more in coming weeks. That’s why we call this “reclaiming Your legacy.”  It’s all about the principle of accessing God’s promise in Jeremiah 29:11 – “to give you a future and a hope.”

It sure would be nice to hear that anything I’ve shared with you on this program was something that you took the time to share with a friend. Go back through the easily read transcripts and recordings of past shows.  They’re illustrated.  They’re easy to read.  They’re filled with hot links to valuable sources of information. I’ve worked very hard to research and gather information that is timely, easily understood and attractively presented for you to share with friends. And I’d love to know that you were able to share with someone who appreciated you for doing so.

If you read or hear my most recent radio show at https://reclaimyourlegacy.com/2021/08/10/propaganda-is-easily-sold-to-those-easily-influenced-by-what-they-love-money/ you’ll note my emphasis on the two Bible verses that are cornerstones to my lifetime investigation of what’s true in virtually any field of knowledge…

Put everything to the test… 

because …

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge!

 Understanding the times and the insight to what Israel (or God’s family) ought to do – (1 Chron 12:32)… that was the special gift God gave to the sons of Issachar… And by the grace of His Holy Spirit today, He is guiding His Spirit-filled children today IF they abide closely to Him (John 15:4,6,7) and love the truth expressly to the disregard of all the deception that freely abounds.

 I believe you’ll want to at least read my Reclaiming Your Legacy radio program this week and share it with friends. It opens a discussion about what’s ahead and what we all must do in the light of the valley of the shadow of death that our world is just beginning to go through this year.


Intercessors for America Contributing Writer, Jamie Rohrbaugh, recently (9/16/2021) wrote a very timely short prayer:

“Father God, You are in Your holy temple. Your Word says that the cup of Your wrath will be turned against the wicked, and You will defend the righteous. We wait on You; we look to You; let all the earth keep silence before You. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Like Jamie, if you are a faithful intercessor, you’ve no doubt been wondering when… or if… justice will ever come to the wicked in our chaotic world.  Have you been watching recent events with anger, dismay, or even despair? Are you asking yourself, “Where is God? Or When is He going to show up?”

If so, I want to encourage you today from the book of Habakkuk.

the words of Habakkuk are extremely timely for America right now. This is a strong prophetic word for our nation. Look at what Habakkuk says that could be applied to the United States of America today.

    First, the prophet Habakkuk cries out to the Lord in indignation after the Lord shows him injustice and iniquity prevailing in a nation.  Habakkuk 1:1-4 says: The burden which the prophet Habakkuk saw.  O Lord, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear? Even cry out to You, “Violence!” and You will not save. Why do You show me iniquity, and cause me to see trouble?  For plundering and violence are before me; there is strife, and contention arises. Therefore, the law is powerless, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; therefore, perverse judgment proceeds”

God IS going to have mercy on the righteous, and He IS bringing revival. He is also bringing judgment against the wicked.

I know it seems to be taking a long time, and that it appears lawlessness is only increasing. However, the Word of God says that God Himself will force the wicked to drink—not drinking propaganda, but drinking straight from the cup of the Lord. In other words, they will be forced to swallow whatever retribution THE LORD has for them. And “what the Lord has for them” is against them—not for them. It is going to bring shame to all their plans; shame to all the things they gloried in.

And dear friends, revival is coming too.

I think you’ll appreciate a speech by Mollie Hemingway.  She won the Bradley Prize as a champion of freedom. You can see an excerpt from The Federalist–and read the whole speech HERE.  (It’s clipped from https://ifapray.org/blog/dont-miss-video-watch-courage-in-action/ )

Pat Buchanan wrote, “Courage is contagious, Defiance can lead to a recovery of will.”

Do you think that’s inspiring to almost anyone who chooses to risk his well-being for a greater good?

David Azerrad defined courage as the “Bold and principled defiance of the lies of the age.”

Mollie writes, “For conservatism to mean anything now, it has to be about rejecting this rigged system. Don’t just say “stop.”  Our duty is not to say “stop” but then bend the knee in cowardice when the mob comes. That brings even more harm to our more vulnerable neighbors and does nothing to prevent the destruction of the country.”

See what you think of a little more of Mollie’s essay. She wrote:

“It’s not comfortable for conservatives who value order and civility to even think or speak this way. But the fact is that many Americans are alienated from… and no longer feel at home… in their own country. The moral climate has been degraded as the left has taken over every single one of the powerful institutions in the country and is actively pushing people to lead a life of godlessness, barrenness, selfishness, gluttony, and addiction to outrage and dopamine.

“All of a sudden, the conservative project is not a conservative one, so much as a counter-revolutionary one.

“Unfortunately, anyone who dares take on the broken and corrupt political and media complex is teed up for absolute destruction. As lesser men cower in the face of the risk, the cost of standing up to the system becomes steeper and steeper. While you will not be locked up for saying the truth, yet, you will be demonized, stigmatized, de-platformed. You may lose your job.

“The end result is the delay of America’s ability to get the course correction it desperately needs. And at some point, if more people don’t stand up and fight hard, the nation is going to die.

“Having said that, we must protect ourselves against excessive, if fashionable, pessimism. The truth may not yet prevail. But until then, there’s a heartwarming amount of defiance left in this country.

“It’s not enough, though, that someone fights. The fight must be smart and tactical. While we are clearly entering an era where dissidents will be required, there’s no value in secular martyrdom or being just another victim of the regime. The fight must be supplemented by prudence and strategy. Be bold and defiant, but we must also know where to aim our fire.

“On the other hand, figuring out where to aim our fire is not that difficult right now. It brings to mind a quote from legendary Marine, Chesty Puller: “They are in front of us, behind us, and we are flanked on both sides by an enemy that outnumbers us 29:1. They can’t get away from us now!”

I’ve been repeatedly reminded in recent months of Ephesians 5:11 – “Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead expose them.”

It’s understandable how most of us have looked to the Bible as a personal message to us as individuals. And that’s completely appropriate. Isn’t it interesting how recent events are awakening more and more of God’s children to ask God, “How are we supposed to react or respond to the horrific things going on in the world around us over which we seemingly have no control?” 

And then, an even larger question comes to mind about the controversies that have arisen, even within the community of believers that we refer to as “the body of Christ.” How are we as followers of Christ to deal with those controversies?

The Holy Spirit drew me into two passages of scripture to get started on this challenging question. I’ve been thinking about it for decades and doing my best, with God’s help, to apply His principles to the controversies regarding Biblical creation, which is a really basic tenant of our Christian faith. But when it comes to a lot of the complex issues of our modern society today, it can get a little foggy. Let’s start with Ephesians 5:1-17 (ESV)

1 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. 2 And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. 3 But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. 4 Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. 5 For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. 6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. 7 Therefore do not become partners with them; 8 for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light 9 (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), 10 and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord.

Better in NLT – 10 “Carefully determine what pleases the Lord.”

11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. 12 For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. 13 But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, 14 for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore, it says, “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”  15 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

“proving” (KJV) or “trying to learn” (ESV)  dokimazō (Key)

to test, examine, prove, scrutinise (to see whether a thing is genuine or not), as metals

The KJV translates Strong’s G1381 in the following manner: prove (10x), try (4x), approve (3x), discern (2x), allow (2x), like (1x), examine (1x).

It seems that one of the reasons that many of the godly and charitable leaders of the Christian community have not even addressed the topic of how to deal with controversies in our community is … to put it plainly… the fear of man.  The epic priority for many all their lives is to just be agreeable. Yet our historic forefathers built this country on civil discourse among diverse opinions.  And it largely started with the various views about Biblical and spiritual ideas.  That’s why the representatives of the various colonies in 1787 before the formation of our constitution were at a stalemate.  Each of those strong and opinionated leaders held passionate views of religious ideals that differed from one another.  That’s where they had to come to grips with the idea of finding common ground.  And that’s where scriptural guidance like Romans chapter 12 is particularly applicable. 

Verse 2, “be transformed by the renewing of your mind, (so) you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Verse 18, “as far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.”

Verse 10, “be devoted to one another in brotherly love, give preference to one another in honor.”

Verse 3, Do “…not think more highly of yourself than you ought to think…”

Verse 9, “abhor what is evil; cling to what is good.”

Verse 16, “do not be haughty in mind… do not be wise in your own estimation.”

Verse 21, “do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.’

And that last verse – in today’s world – has been largely shunned by those who are supposed to be the light of the world.  What is the most obvious effect of shining light in the darkness?  The darkness disappears, right?  So, what happens when we see those who should be shining the light doing nothing to confront the perpetrators of dark agendas?  God prophesied through Isaiah a sobering woe in Isaiah 5:20. “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness…!” 

So, what happens when those who are given the job to be light bearers, hide their light?  Jesus said, in Matthew 5:13: ““You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot (as worthless).”

But doing that – shining light on darkness – is inevitably going to stir up controversy… reaction… persecution.  Isn’t that exactly what Jesus said would happen if his disciples obey his commands?

If our generation … our nation… has been overwhelmed with darkness, with wicked behavior, and rampant evil… could it be because somebody switched off the light? Has the Devil become so successful at tempting God’s people to avoid controversy that they’ve resisted the courage God freely gave to every generation of his people facing an insurmountable battle? Do you suppose God’s Holy Spirit is blowing a fresh wind of revival that starts with his people learning how to ‘let their lights shine’ in the darkness? Is God raising up a generation of godly warriors with the courage to resist evil and obey God?

Consider Joshua.  

The LORD spoke to Joshua (1:1)

He was promised before he crossed the Jordan that the LORD would not forsake him. He would lead the people to be given possession of the land of Canaan (1:6).

The only defining thing he had to do was “be strong and very courageous and be careful to do according to all the law … to have success wherever he went.” (1:7)

Most importantly, Joshua was clearly told the golden key to have his pathway prosper and have complete success wherever he would go. What was that?  “this book of the Torah shall not depart from your mouth… you shall meditate on it day and night…” which would assure he would “be careful to do according to all that is written in it.” 

And if you know the exact formula to accomplish a given job, what happens if you leave out part of the formula?  Will your effort succeed?  Sounds pretty plain and straightforward, wouldn’t you say?

And what had the growing new generation of Israelites above age 20, growing up into responsible adulthood, been doing over the past nearly 40 years? 

Every week for over 450 months they had funerals for over a million of their parents and grandparents. They had hardened their hearts to their awesome Deliverer. He had spectacularly saved them from the overwhelming plagues that devastated the society of their Egyptian slave masters.  God miraculously brought them through the Red Sea… and gave them a clear and powerful demonstration at Mount Horeb (in the wilderness of Midian) …of His holiness and his righteous ways to save their lives.

After learning the high cost of disobeying Almighty God and giving in to the fear of giants in the land…   they had 40 years to raise their families and sharpen their warfare skills under Generals Caleb and Joshua. They must have become really good. But once they crossed the Jordan and came within range of their first enemy target – Jericho – a man with a sword drawn confronted Joshua. He was the captain of the host of the LORD (5:14). When Joshua heard the Lord assure him of victory, most of the military training was put aside.  Only one thing was important now… Obedience. And what was the instruction for Joshua and his armies of thousands of men?

Everyone was commanded to be completely quiet… to march daily around the city’s walls once a day for six days, blowing victory trumpets while the wicked inhabitants were surrounded and waiting for the Israelites to go away. The walls seemed impregnable – totally secure. On the seventh day, according to what Yahweh had instructed Joshua, he told his ready warriors to march around the city seven times. On the last round, they not only blew their trumpets… they were led by General Joshua to let out a might shout of victory. And you know what happened. The walls went down flat, as if they fell into an elevator shaft. So, the men could invade the city and destroy all its inhabitants, in direct combat with the physical weapons they’d been trained to skillfully use.

But the formula for success wasn’t the tactics of the invasion. It was their obedience to the timely direction of Almighty God.

Have you noticed that the victories of virtually every conflict between God’s servants and God’s enemies happened in uniquely different ways? That’s where learning to hear the voice of God is paramount.

“The mind of a man plans his ways, but the Lord directs his steps.” Proverbs 16:9

“In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:6

It’s true for each of us in our private service to the Captain of our salvation.  It’s especially true for us as we corporately pray and work in symphonic orchestration with our fellow warriors to accomplish the victory that our Master has for us in the battles before us.  The Ekklesia of each household of faith needs to hear… to know… and to confidently obey the commands of our King in all the battles we face, knowing that the battle is not yours but God’s (2 Chronicles 20:15).

There are still many people around us who are so conditioned by their own “confirmation bias” and their attachment to the mainstream narrative that they are unwilling to diligently “test all things,” and “renew their minds” so they can “prove what the will of God is,” and recognize that they are being manipulated by a highly deceptive evil influence that is capable of destroying their lives.  The end result can be labeled “cognitive dissonance.”  They just have a mental or spiritual inability to “connect the dots,” be honest with themselves, and face the difficult challenges of reality. These are the kinds of people for whom God commands us to show kindness, patience and similar treatment that he calls us to apply to our enemies. Romans 12:18: “if possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.”  And then you have to apply the principle of Jesus’ counsel to his disciples in Mark 6:11. The NLT says it well: “But if any place refuses to welcome you or listen to you, shake its dust from your feet as you leave to show that you have abandoned those people to their fate.”

Now, do you want to see and hear some of the most important reports I’ve found recently to assist in the choices you must make in the days ahead? The most knowledgeable and trustworthy spokesmen I’ve found have so much to offer that you might not have heard… and that’s why I invite you to visit ReclaimYourLegacy.com. Today’s program notes in the radio archive there will guide you right to them. And while you’re there, if God guides you to help me continue researching and sharing these tools to help you equip your loved ones, please know that your help is deeply appreciated.

Bonus Extension for The Time for Action is Now

(first published 9/21/21 at the end of the recorded portion of the program named: “Is it time for the righteous to pray for God’s Justice?”)

The Following is the recording of the bonus extension for the Reclaiming Your Legacy program that was first broadcasted with the title: “Is it time for the Righteous to pray for God’s Justice?” This part is heard only on this channel. It is offered here in high hopes that our Lord will be pleased to enable you and many others to share it as widely as possible. The excerpts from the various contributors to this report will quite literally open the eyes and hearts of many whom God is calling to participate in the saving of lives who are yet to hear what has been deliberately hidden from them by the evil influences among the powers that be.

Here are links to see these valuable reports now

This selected group of firsthand video reports will help bring one up-to-date on the situation being faced world-wide. I urge everyone to share this with loved ones.

Dr. Jane Ruby joined Stew Peters for “Ask Dr. Jane”, a new weekly segment on “The Stew Peters Show”, at which point Dr. Ruby revealed HORRIFIC details and data now emerging, particularly called ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement). It is exploding in “vaccinated” people.


One of the most authoritative and thoroughly documented resources I’ve been following is Attorney Reiner Fuellmich from Germany. If you haven’t yet heard his reports, this will be a great start for you. He gives update on the worldwide coalition of truth-seeking professionals (as of Sept 16, 2021) that he heads up, called the Berlin Corona Committee. Hundreds of thousands of independent medical and scientific professionals worldwide are contributing ongoing research and willing to face the biggest confrontation with globalist superpowers that are nothing less than Satanically-motivated agents of human annihilation; i.e. genocide.


Dr Fuellmich continues to give a thorough outline of much of the detail about what is becoming clear to many that the world has been grossly mislead by a very evil planned-demic that has been completely misrepresented by mainstream media. Anyone who believes otherwise is either willfully ignorant of facts that can easily be researched and verified or is compromised by complicity with a highly politicized agenda because of personal reasons that submit to the fear of man rather than the fear of God.

Also see Dr Bryan Ardis’ interview with Dr Fuellmich in the notes from last week’s program

Listen to just one part of Dr. Ardis’ shocking revelation to this investigative committee in Germany about the known effects of the experimental genetic injection in children.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/9pSkEh8I1ual/  or https://rumble.com/vklrax-dr.bryan-ardis-we-are-witnessing-intentional-medical-genocide.html 

There are still many people around us who are so conditioned by their own “confirmation bias” and their attachment to the mainstream narrative that they are unwilling to diligently “test all things,” and “renew their minds” so they can “prove what the will of God is,” and recognize that they are being manipulated by a highly deceptive evil influence that is capable of destroying their lives.  The end result can be labeled “cognitive dissonance.”  They just have a mental or spiritual inability to “connect the dots,” to be honest with themselves, and face reality. These are the kinds of people for whom God commands us to show kindness, patience and similar treatment that he calls us to apply to our enemies. Romans 12:18: “if possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.”  And then you have to apply the principle of Jesus’ counsel to his disciples in Mark 6:11. The NLT says it well: “But if any place refuses to welcome you or listen to you, shake its dust from your feet as you leave to show that you have abandoned those people to their fate.”

In a Highwire exclusive, Deborah Conrad, a hospital’s physician’s assistant on the frontlines of the pandemic, pulls back the curtain on the complete lack and disregard in her hospital for reporting Covid vaccine injury to VAERS, this country’s only mechanism to track the safety of these rushed-to-market, mandated products. In riveting detail, including emails & recorded phone conversations, Conrad exposes the internal push to turn a blind eye to injuries and “tow the company line” that this vaccine is safe.  “THESE PATIENTS DESERVE TO BE HEARD” -VAERS WHISTLEBLOWER | The HighWire  https://thehighwire.com/videos/these-patients-deserve-to-be-heard-vaers-whistleblower/

Most of us who have been following the truth-telling online news reporter channels have heard from the Italian Catholic arch bishop Carlo Vigano more than once since the outset of the covid plandemic. Here’s a short statement from Arch Bishop Vigano and a 3-minute video worth sharing..  https://www.bitchute.com/video/QsYweHko64AW/  He wrote:

“The subservience of the Bergoglian Hierarchy to the pandemic farce and the imposition of the so-called vaccination has transformed the Ministers of God into pandemic gurus, the Bishops into salesmen of experimental serum and the entire ecclesial body into the victim of mass experimentation. This constitutes an unprecedented betrayal of the divine mission of the Church of Christ, of the power of pastors and of the mandate of priests, in a process of replacing the revealed religion with a pseudoscientific cult that borders on idolatry.”

Every angle of bold exposure possible will be needed to reach all those whom God is giving a receptive and repentant love of the knowledge of the truth and the willingness to see the exposure of evil like they never imagined could exist on such a global scale.

British Mortician John O’Looney is risking his life to share his candid observations of what medical industry locally is doing to exterminate citizens. He talks about what he and all of the other funeral directors see in his area. He gives a concise history of what he has seen and is seeing now. Most alarming is what he is seeing now in kids.  He now is talking to about 45 directors around the world who are reaching out to him. He also thinks things will get much worse. 

I’ve also seen some of the documentation following the paper trail for the medicine he talks about in this video. He briefly mentions a medicine (Midazolam) that the elderly were put on in care homes and it is used to sedate people when they are dying. But, it can also put them to permanent sleep and this is what the pharmacist family member confirms for him, that she was seeing unusual amounts being ordered for these care homes. At the end he talks about what nurses are being told to give to their patients. 

It is so concerning, I wouldn’t play it in front of your kids.  https://www.bitchute.com/video/NUkBKW1KvkDr/

Mortician John O’Looney’s follow-up in December 2021 is extremely noteworthy, begging people to please not take any more of these “jabs.”

Lastly, Dr Peter McCullough’s testimony to theTexas state Senate committee on covid on March 10, 2021 is posted with a Patient Guide at https://aapsonline.org/covidpatientgu…

I want to echo what one commenter on the YouTube poste wrote: “If I could give this common sense, intelligent, honest, genuine caring Doctor 1,000 likes that still wouldn’t be enough. Thank you, Dr McCullough. The sad thing is that many of us non-doctors can see the logic of your ideas, much better than your so-called educated colleagues!”

There is so much more. But if we don’t take the time to do a little personal research we’ll continue in our ignorance, making choices that are influenced by intimidation and fear rather than critically thought-through logic and observable facts.

Jesus clearly gave us a life principle. “To whom much is given, much is required.” If we don’t share what we know to be helpful with others, the Bible makes it clear – their blood is on our hands. Will we stand for what we know to be true and share it with others or keep quiet and later deal with our own self-evaluation?

A recent follow-up interview with Dr. McCullough in Dec 2021 is at https://youtu.be/-zg1j7Zquoc 

Timestamps: 00:00 Introductions

01:42 Doctors as scientists

05:36 How dangerous is COVID and risk stratification

07:45 Vaccinating children and catching COVID twice

14:30 What could have been different?

15:31 Deaths from v and mandates

24:06 Non fatal reactions

28:04 Myocarditis in young patients

36:10 Why are we vaccinating children?

39:47 Nuremberg ethics, Helsinki, Tuskegee

44:45 Treating COVID

52:10 Inverse of the right thing to do

01:03:58 No unique research protocol

01:07:50 Paper based on VAERS data pulled

01:13:06 Wrap up

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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