Your Single Vote is essential to Gods Plan for America and the World

Have you ever dealt with the frustrated feeling that your civic duty of voting is a fruitless exercise in futility?

Most hard-working Americans are ordinarily so busy with their private lives that they give only little attention to the process of civic government, except for the complaining that all of us tend to do when we see policies enacted that we disagree with or that cost us something.  Do you recall anyone asking for your vote to give more of your hard-earned money to bureaucracies to waste on programs that you think are foolish? Worse yet, we’re all aware of terrible civic outcomes. 


Tyranny or Liberty – the Choice is Yours

True Christians Obey God, Resist Corrupted Governors & Influence Their Nation for Good

Why, in 1620, did the little congregation of Pastor John Robinson’s English Christ-followers, whom we call Pilgrims, risk their lives, leaving their native land of England, to become unintended pioneers of an untamed wilderness in North America?  In a word, the motivation was tyranny – Religious tyranny.

Why, in 1776, did 30% of the British colonists in America risk their lives to declare what no people on earth had ever done to resist the ruler who dominated their private lives? Again, their motivation was tyranny – tyranny of their conscience by a greedy monarchy, preventing productive, law-abiding, God-fearing families from common natural rights.

The Role of Tyranny in God’s Providential History

Tyranny is a powerful motivator. It naturally evokes our human emotions to resist. In the 4,000 plus years since the Great Flood, almost a thousand generations of humans have experienced the rise of hundreds of tyrants.  Only among God’s chosen people, descending from Abraham, has the human family seen a divine pattern of human government! It began with Moses. It was able to inspire the Christian founders of America to form a model of human government like no other in all history.


It’s Time to choose courage as Evildoers Threaten

by Dennis Petersen

As the Angel of the Lord told Joshua in Joshua 1:9 “Be strong and courageous” so, God is telling us this is a time to choose. And courage is rising in America to overcome the influence of ungodly secularism.

In times of relative peace and quiet, the virtue of courage is often unseen and little spoken of. But when the pressure is on; when the conflict of good and evil is raised for all to see; when the dangers and threats of evildoers are brazen and menacing, then courage arises in those who are empowered with personal knowledge and experience.


Watchmen are Assigned to Warn their Community of Danger

By Dennis Petersen

Did you hear about the horrific Texas traffic accident involving over a hundred vehicles because of surprising glare ice on the road? A half dozen people died and over a hundred were injured, some with life debilitating injuries.

Now, if you had the knowledge that the road up ahead was so dangerous that it could cause the death of everyone going that way, wouldn’t you do everything in your power to stop everyone from rushing toward their destruction? Of course, you would. Who wouldn’t?  That’s just common humanitarian consideration for our fellow man. You’d have good reason to question the ethics or sanity of anyone who wouldn’t do that, wouldn’t you?


Spiritual Warfare in a Corrupt Society

God’s People are Rediscovering their Divine Legacy in such a time as this by Dennis Petersen

You’re not alone if you feel horrified by the perverse and corrupt wickedness being exposed openly in our society’s mountains of influence.

Truly, the manufactured political crisis of a highly questionable health emergency is tragic.  But God has been using it to expose unimaginable corruption and ignorance.  Now, He’s using all of it to generate awakening and repentance.  

In the post-Civil War generations, Christian pastors en masse, began failing their Biblical assignment. What’s that? Ephesians 4:12-14 tells us.  It’s for…

“…the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ…”  And that is expected to result that we would all grow up to maturity… no longer children… being tossed around by the trickery of deceitful men.

Doesn’t it make sense that should mean that the saints should all be actively prepared to disciple their own young people to be the influencers for righteousness in THIS nation?

But think of what happened.  The generation that survived the Civil War created the industrial revolution, ushering humanity into the Space Age.  It took only a century of growing, but eventually unimagined national prosperity reduced a spoiled and entitled generation to face the possible disaster of becoming another third world socialist country.


Time to Prepare for coming Storms

This is Time to Prepare for coming Storms – every leader Needs to be a vocal watchman (vigilant sentry).

Like Esther, you fathers, elders, deacons, ministers, and bishops… must respond to the compelling message of Mordecai in the Bible book of Esther. And almost nobody has yet told us what that ‘compelling message’ is.

Various kinds of unbelievably insane eras like ours today, have happened many times before on this earth.  We’re not the first.  But in previous generations of mankind, the craziness was typically more localized in a certain region or empire – like crazy Caesar Nero’s Rome near the end of Christ’s Ekklesia’s first generation, or Bloody Mary’s medieval England at the dawn of the Reformation, or the murderous regime of Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.  Today, it seems to be the whole planet Earth is under an evil spell of wicked forces in high places. It’s been that way all along of course, only now, lots more people are realizing that the evil is a direct war against the Creator and His set-apart people, Christ’s Ekklesia, the kingdom of God’s blood-redeemed family.


Why Christians must Engage the Culture to Influence voting in America?

The fact that the battle to preserve our society of liberty is a spiritual war against demonic principalities in high places is more evident now than ever before in our lifetime.  The question is – will God’s people who are called by His name not only humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, but will they be the preserving salt of influence on our society or will they continue to be ‘trampled’ by society’s mountains of influence?

The Power of Keeping People in Darkness (ignorant)

The gross darkness of ignorance that prevails in today’s world results from one thing: deliberate re-education.  Historic disciples of Marx, Lenin and Mao know very well that society-wide ignorance depends on the perversion of true history, and the censoring of moral truth found in God’s Word.  Paul insisted that Christ followers “prove all things.” Why?  Faith (in God, the Bible or all truth) comes by hearing the Word of God! Without a clear and spoken declaration of relevant, Christ glorifying words (Rhema) of God’s timeless truth, people are lost in confusion, deception, and pop culture entertainment. It’s all devoid of substance that challenges us to seek God.


Gods Light in the Darkness of Medical Deception

We’re going to discover today… some of how God’s Light is exposing the Darkness of Medical Deception in our world.

God uses faithful Truth tellers to deliver His people from harm If they will listen.

If you have loved ones with whom you like to share valuable, life-saving information, you’ll appreciate the sensible insights you’ll hear on today’s show.  My family and I have been greatly informed and physically benefitted by the insights we’ve heard from a Texas doctor who has helped millions of people with his research into the medical disasters of recent years and his study of natural medicine.

We’re all surrounded by the darkness of evil deception that continues bringing death and suffering to many people because of their “lack of knowledge.”  The truth, delivered by the prophet Hosea (Hosea 4:6), is painful to all of us who are trying to be protectors, like watchmen on the walls of our community of friends and family.  But there IS a hope for those who allow their God-given curiosity to move them to “test all things.” (1 Thes 5:21)


Awakening to the Reality of Spiritual Warfare

episode #324

More and more people in our country and in the world are awakening to the reality that we are all on the stage of the greatest spiritual battleground imaginable. 

As the darkness of evil becomes increasingly invasive, the brightness of the Light of God’s Truth and Righteousness becomes all the more apparent to those who have eyes to see. Unfortunately, we realize from recent history that people who have been pickled in mass-media deception and coddled by a public indoctrination mindset that coddles the stubbornness to cling to their self-serving idolatry and wicked passions… those people are often too hardened to hear God’s invitation to repent and receive the peace of eternal life.


The Battle for America’s Soul: Ways to Combat Mind Control

Listen to the complete program here:

The Bible has a lot to say about avoiding deception and renewing our minds with the purity of truth and righteousness, which is a right standing with our Creator and Savior.  In today’s world, the person who truly wants to follow Jesus and be led by the Holy Spirit has quite a challenge to sort out the influences in his life that can be potentially very dangerous and even lethal.  It takes prayerful work and spiritual discernment to make the best choices.

It’s no surprise to most adults in our society that a highly sophisticated culture of so-called “elitists” are manipulating many aspects of public perception.  You’ll find some helpful insights on modern day mind-control in several episodes I’ve posted at  Our attention is drawn to the key verse in the Bible, warning believers to be on high alert to the life-threatening dangers of mind-controlling deceptions.  They can easily draw us astray from the pathway of pure and undefiled faithfulness to our Lord Jesus Christ.
