A Generation Called to Rebuild the Ancient Paths

When God’s people recognize that the path of the society around them is collapsing, the prophets of the Bible give us an unmistakably clear assignment, if we’re willing to accept it… Be a generation called to rebuild the ancient paths.

The confusion and uncertainty assaulting humanity worldwide today is being identified by many as an all-out strategy of destructive warfare from the Enemy of mankind himself.  So, what is the ‘assignment’ God has for His people in the middle of such alarming chaos?

The 58th chapter of the prophet Isaiah declares clearly, Almighty God’s displeasure with the superficial, self-centered, and hypocritically empty religious rituals of His people. Instead, He desires a deeper and personally more authentic form of worship, defined by distinctive actions. And biblical worship – let’s not miss it – is a sacrificially devoted spiritual life-style, not just a weekly religious exercise. 

When you examine Isaiah 58 .. let God’s Spirit show you where your life can better express what God identifies as “the fast” that He chooses.  That kind of a Messiah-following discipleship is characterized by several features. All of them require some effort and humbly asking God for personal direction.  Remember one of the central themes of the Bible: “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct (or make straight) your paths” (Proverbs 3:6).  Your what?  Your PATHS.

  1. Justice and righteousness is high on His list: Can we do anything to break the chains of injustice? Are there oppressed people whom we can help to free?  Can we remove blame shifting and speaking wickedness? (read Isaiah 58:6-9).
  2. Caring for the vulnerable is naturally a priority with God: Can we find ways to share our food with the hungry?  Can we invite a poor homeless one into our home?  What about clothing those who are truly naked and needy? (read Isaiah 58:7). If we do, He promises “your light will break out like the dawn” (vs 8)… “you will call and the LORD will answer” (vs 9).
  3. Humility and sincerity are traits deserving our daily introspection: We just cannot allow ourselves to use devotional sacrifices like fasting as an excuse to exploit workers, or quarrel with others, or engage in self-righteousness (read Isaiah 58:3-5).
  4. True selfless devotion is assured God’s special turn arounds in your life: Fasting accompanied by “giving yourself” to those in need and “satisfying the desire of the afflicted” will result eventually in “your light rising out of darkness” and “your gloom becoming like midday.” (read Isaiah 58:10).

Passion for Your Life in Christ

How to have delight in the Lord and experience His providential guidance

What really counts for achieving the success, the goals, aspirations and dreams that God has put in your heart for your life?

“Without passion, purpose and persistence, no amount of confidence talent and ability will lead to outstanding success.”  (Hilton Johnson, business Trainer)

The only thing I might add to that statement is the phrase, “in anything.”

King Solomon wisely advised,

“Whatever you do, do it with thy might.”  That means, put your strength into it.  Put your passion and heart into it.  My father taught me one of my most memorable impressions, saying: “If you’re going to do anything, do it well.”

Listen to the complete program here.
