Christmas is a time of remembering and anticipating the greatest gift to all mankind – Redemption

When you think about it… really think about it… the season of each year when we celebrate the remarkable advent of our Creator’s incarnation that we call Christmas… it’s truly amazing how God, in His providence, can use this season every year to personally communicate and commune with our deepest soul.  Even with all the distracting commercialism and misguided paganized myths that our society has amassed around the occasion, God is still profoundly using the Christmas season to bring light into the darkness of many minds whom He has chosen to receive eternal redemption. What a gift! 

The beloved disciple John, guided by the Holy Spirit of God, recorded the event straight to the point in the opening of his gospel.  He even showed the distinction between the Savior from the man, who also had the name John – the baptizer – who announced the anticipated Redeemer’s entry into our world. He wrote it this way.


The Light of God’s Truth is breaking through the dark clouds into today’s valley of the shadow of death

Isn’t it interesting how God’s Word can have fresh application even though we know it has specific revelation? He provides insight for His people in every era of history in unique ways according to the times in which we live.

Isaiah 9:2 tells us “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined.” We realize that Jesus, our Messiah, is the fulfillment of that prophesy.  But it’s amazing how the light of Jesus, through His Holy Spirit can specially encourage His people even when they walk through their own unique lands “of the shadow of death.”

“For nothing is concealed that will not become evident, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.”  Luke 8:17


Mind Control globally in a Scamdemic is now labeled Mass Formation Psychosis

The historic Plandemic of 2020 and beyond – called Covid-19 – was the global stakeholders’ key to manipulate masses by hypnosis… but that is finally and dramatically beginning to change.

The last two years of incredibly effective propaganda has truly demonstrated …that the whole world around us is under the control of the evil one… (1 Jn 5:19). It’s now… finally… becoming evident to millions of people that they’ve been duped. 

Canadian Doctor, Roger Hodkinson, is a highly esteemed medical doctor in Canada. He has been speaking publicly in favor of health freedom and medical scientific honesty since the start of the plandemic. Listen to 90 seconds of his candidly bold statement and start thinking about why every honest doctor and church leader shouldn’t be just as bold and truthful about this tragedy.
