It’s Time to choose courage as Evildoers Threaten

by Dennis Petersen

As the Angel of the Lord told Joshua in Joshua 1:9 “Be strong and courageous” so, God is telling us this is a time to choose. And courage is rising in America to overcome the influence of ungodly secularism.

In times of relative peace and quiet, the virtue of courage is often unseen and little spoken of. But when the pressure is on; when the conflict of good and evil is raised for all to see; when the dangers and threats of evildoers are brazen and menacing, then courage arises in those who are empowered with personal knowledge and experience.


Watchmen are Assigned to Warn their Community of Danger

By Dennis Petersen

Did you hear about the horrific Texas traffic accident involving over a hundred vehicles because of surprising glare ice on the road? A half dozen people died and over a hundred were injured, some with life debilitating injuries.

Now, if you had the knowledge that the road up ahead was so dangerous that it could cause the death of everyone going that way, wouldn’t you do everything in your power to stop everyone from rushing toward their destruction? Of course, you would. Who wouldn’t?  That’s just common humanitarian consideration for our fellow man. You’d have good reason to question the ethics or sanity of anyone who wouldn’t do that, wouldn’t you?


The Light of God’s Truth is breaking through the dark clouds into today’s valley of the shadow of death

Isn’t it interesting how God’s Word can have fresh application even though we know it has specific revelation? He provides insight for His people in every era of history in unique ways according to the times in which we live.

Isaiah 9:2 tells us “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined.” We realize that Jesus, our Messiah, is the fulfillment of that prophesy.  But it’s amazing how the light of Jesus, through His Holy Spirit can specially encourage His people even when they walk through their own unique lands “of the shadow of death.”

“For nothing is concealed that will not become evident, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.”  Luke 8:17


The crossroads has become a precipice for this generation

by Dennis Petersen

When the crossroads of decision become a precipice demanding action, only the determined, ‘all in’ warrior overcomers have any hope of seeing God’s ultimate victory.

There are plenty of Scriptural parallels in God’s recorded history of His people to give us ample insights to the challenges of our generation today.  Like God’s gift to the sons of Issachar in first Chronicles 12:32, we desire to have the insight of “understanding the times, to know what Israel – or God’s people today – ought to do.”

In previous episodes of Reclaiming Your Legacy, we’ve seen plenty of encouraging insight the Bible gives us to ‘choose this day to serve God’ as Joshua admonished the successful generation of Israel after the conquest of Canaan.  His call is clear to be courageous warriors like David and his mighty men. We must be active watchmen on the wall for our generation as Ezekiel spells out so clearly. With our Lord’s help, we all must chose to courageously refuse to bow to lies. With the boldness of the Holy Spirit filling us, we can expose demonic deeds of darkness, rather than participate with those who have been deceived.


Time for Righteous Action is NOW – How to pray for God’s Justice

This post includes a Bonus posted as a separate audio file (see below)

1Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”

The transcript for the Bonus extension program with expert witnesses is at the end of the main transcript below. Listen to the recording here…

We are in a war. More people than ever are awaking to the reality of that.  And as we do, we realize there are key elements of warfare – especially spiritual warfare – that every soldier must be constantly attentive to. As Jesus trained his 12 and his 70, and his 120 disciples – learning to work in harmony with each other – so, He is training His modern-day warriors to seek God’s direction, to intercede, to boldly speak up… to cooperatively work together under the guidance of the Holy Spirit… to prayerfully and courageously pursue the expanding work of God’s Kingdom, against which the gates of hell cannot prevail.


Proclaiming the truth when lies are more popular

“Speak the truth to each other, and render true and sound judgment in your courts” Zech. 8:16

“Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason toward my country.”  Patrick Henry

If liberty has any genuine meaning in our age of deception, it certainly carries the right to tell people the truth – even when they have been conditioned by their trusted teachers to think they do not want to hear it.

“The LORD is my helper; I will not fear; What can man do to me?” Heb 13:6

Never before in our lifetimes have we been so obviously confronted by what appears to be such a threat of ultimate foreboding loss of freedom, that even the most optimistic Pollyanna must concede that we are all at a crossroads of choice.  Will we choose to bow to God or bow to men who deny their Creator?  Which choice do you take right now for yourself?


How can so many people be so easily deceived?

By Dennis Petersen

Have you been amazed at how so many people can be so easily deceived?  Even people who seem to be fairly even-tempered and practice common sense are surprising some of us when they reveal that they have bought into various common lies in today’s culture. It seems sometimes that many people have completely lost their minds. They’ve lost their ability to think… to reason… to discern what’s really true. So consequently, confusion prevails. And where confusion prevails you inevitably have a pandemic of fear. And when people are prone to fear they tend to make hasty and bad choices. And that only leads to more confusion plus a flood of hopelessness. They are set up to bow to a false authority, promising them deliverance and unable to deliver it, or they are prepared to hear good news that can change their lives for eternity.

Jesus predicted in two of the gospel accounts that “false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24:24, and Mark 13:22). When we see how effective the main stream media has been at persuading half the population of the entire world into the most spectacular deception in history, perhaps we can be more discerning.
