The Global Genocide Nightmare Has Just Begun

What happens when 3 billion voluntarily poisoned people suddenly have a yet-undiagnosed heart disease called myocarditis?

Ephesians chapter 5 exhorts us to: “Pay careful attention, then, to how you live ​— ​not as unwise people but as wise ​— ​ making the most of the time, because the days are evil. So don’t be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. (Eph 5:15-17).

Most of society who are still stuck in the make-believe horror story of main-stream media have not seen the results of a June 2022 preliminary survey sponsored by Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of Vaccine Safety Research Foundation ( See the details in the notes for today’s show at

The projections from this survey’s results are so disturbing that nobody in the corporate media will touch it.


Unmasking the COVID Plandemic

By Dennis Petersen

What are we to do when the evil of darkness is openly revealed by the light of truth? For today, that means it’s past time for the unmasking of the covid plandemic.

“Test (examine – dokimazō) everything, hold firmly to what is good” 1 Thes 5:21.

Who is commanded to do this? … Is any controversy exempt from this probe? … Remember the wisdom of Proverbs 18:17 “He who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.”


Health Freedom vs Medical Tyranny – a God-given constitutional human right

Staring in the face of lifetime bondage, does choice still exist to gain knowledge of truth?

One of America’s prominent founding fathers was medical Dr. Benjamin Rush. He gave us an important statement about his view of medical or health freedom.  Commenting on Dr Rush, a late 19th century medical doctor honored the memory of this great physician, noting that he proved himself to be a great champion of medical liberty. He urged that the Constitution of the United States should not only provide for religious freedom but also for medical freedom. Dr Rush, in his 18th century manner of speaking English, conveyed the idea that “Laws restricting the practice of the healing arts to one class of physicians and denying to others equal privileges, would constitute the Bastilles of our science.”

That means such laws would be like an over-throw of honest science and replaying the relics of despotism or vestiges of monarchy as with the time of the French Revolution.  He clearly thought such actions would be wholly out of place in a republic.
