Understanding the Culture with historian, Bill Federer – Part 2

Isn’t it remarkable how the events recorded in God’s Word can often provide insight for the roots of discord that our generation faces even today?

After Gideon died in the book of Judges, the people of Shechem gave a wicked son of Gideon seventy pieces of silver … which he used to hire worthless and reckless fellows, who followed him.

In his historical review of how wicked rulers of the past used identity politics and community organization tactics to gain power, Bill Federer explains at a recent series of presentations he did for Pastor Jack Hibbs some very eye-opening principles. Be sure to access the complete illustrated presentation at the link here – https://youtu.be/aOysMK5xK5c . Seeing how notable villains of history built a pattern for modern treachery helps us all identify some of the subtle schemes the devil is using to condition impressionable people to follow immoral, illegitimate elitists until God’s providence uses others to overthrow them. A big part of their strategy is to create discord.


Is God Raising Up A Remnant to Reverse the Moral Decline We’ve Allowed to Destroy our Nation?

By Dennis Petersen

When surrounded by a prevalent spirit of fear and completely insane behaviors, can there be any doubt that now is the time for humble hearts to rise in their Lord’s strength, put on the whole armor of God, and take the courage of Joshua to face the enemies of God’s kingdom without hesitation? 
