Gods Light in the Darkness of Medical Deception

We’re going to discover today… some of how God’s Light is exposing the Darkness of Medical Deception in our world.

God uses faithful Truth tellers to deliver His people from harm If they will listen.

If you have loved ones with whom you like to share valuable, life-saving information, you’ll appreciate the sensible insights you’ll hear on today’s show.  My family and I have been greatly informed and physically benefitted by the insights we’ve heard from a Texas doctor who has helped millions of people with his research into the medical disasters of recent years and his study of natural medicine.

We’re all surrounded by the darkness of evil deception that continues bringing death and suffering to many people because of their “lack of knowledge.”  The truth, delivered by the prophet Hosea (Hosea 4:6), is painful to all of us who are trying to be protectors, like watchmen on the walls of our community of friends and family.  But there IS a hope for those who allow their God-given curiosity to move them to “test all things.” (1 Thes 5:21)

Scripture tells us (in Proverbs 11:9) that “through knowledge the righteous will be delivered.”

Today, we get to tap into some of the knowledge of Dr. Bryan Ardis.  Listen closely to his brief story of how God Almighty changed his life’s mission dramatically because of a tragedy in his family, brought on by hospital protocols and medical domination. His research is now transforming whole populations worldwide, because of what Dr Ardis, himself, describes as God’s hand of intervention in his life.  Listen…

Riccardo Bosi, of AustraliaOne Party, did a podcast Interview with Dr Bryan Ardis in which Dr Ardis shared the events that led to his providential change in his life’s mission.  You can see the whole interview at https://rumble.com/v1scqsw-australiaone-party-australiaone-update.-interview-with-dr-bryan-ardis-and-r.html?start=86

In the rest of this interview, you will hear Dr. Ardis describe in documented scientific detail how the objectives of the globalist billionaires involved in the World Economic Forum in Europe are influencing government regulatory agencies. They are literally introducing products to public markets in national and regional populations that poison them with manufactured, synthetic, animal venoms in order to improve the state of the world, by reducing the human population.  Those are the kind of insane policies being implemented through mega-corporations and out-of-control bureaucracies. No wonder that the general public is slowly awakening to the nightmare that our world seems almost totally out of control.  Don’t believe what I’m saying without checking it out for yourself. That’s why you’ll want to hear a few more insights from Dr Ardis in the bonus segment of today’s show at our website.

You will want to know how to deal with two important questions from this interview with Dr. Ardis…

  1. What is the connection between covid and venom?  
  2. Has the jab made you a venom producing machine?

The facts behind this issue are much too detailed for the brief time we have on this show. And that’s why you need to do a bit of personal research for yourself and go to the link in the transcript for today’s show.  You should be relieved to know that Dr. Ardis also shares the highly important yet simple solution to counteract the poisonous effects of being jabbed.  I realize that some of our listeners are not computer savvy. Don’t let that stop you from being proactive.  There are people in your life who can help you use the internet to find information that can save your life.  Reach out to them. Ask them for their help. Tell them you need to check out some highly important research information, starting with the links in the notes for this podcast at www.ReclaimYourLegacy.com .  Someone will help you.  And in the process, you can pray that God will use this opportunity to open their eyes and possibly help save their life.

Now, let’s hear a segment of another discussion Dr. Ardis has been having with many podcasters.

One of the greatest lies ever told to humanity by medicine is that salt is bad for you and that salt increases your blood pressure.  It does not, and you have been lied to.  High blood pressure drugs are a massive boon to the big pharma drug business.

LIVE Q&A w/ Dr. Ardis: Nicotine, Ozempic, Bird Flu & More | Your Questions Answered  https://rumble.com/v5a26s5–live-q-and-a-w-dr.-ardis-nicotine-ozempic-bird-flu-and-more-your-questions.html?start=480

Now doesn’t that just make so much common sense?  Who would have thought that the Creator actually made our bodies to require one of the common elements that the pharmaceutically-driven medical profession has been urging you to reduce to a ridiculously difficult-to-achieve minimum? Salt… the very thing that Jesus used as an analogy for His disciples, saying “You are the salt of the earth.”  For me, when I heard this fact years ago, it was a big relief.  After all, I wanted to be healthy.  I’m not addicted to excessive amounts of salty foods.  But I know that just working in the yard is going to make my body crave both water and electrolytes… that includes salt.  And when I discovered the positive impact of Magnesium at the levels Dr Ardis talks about, it made a huge difference in my own cardio vascular health. And my cardiologist didn’t ever tell me anything about it. I had to learn from doing research into the work of doctors like Dr. Ardis.  And now, by adding adequate Magnesium and a few other essentials like Vitamin K-2 and more Vitamin D, my post-heart attack symptoms have gone and I feel better than ever, especially since I’ve taken up rowing exercise several times a week and worked at seriously reducing my stress levels by consciously thinking how I react to stressors in my life, by giving those things to the LORD.

But common sense also tells me that I need to be prudent about giving in to the modern worldly temptation to consume way too much sugar.  You’ll want to hear Dr. Ardis’ discussion about how you can be sure to maintain your body’s best immunity to infectious diseases like the flu. Listen to the bonus segment of today’s show at ReclaimYourLegacy.com, after you hear these next few minutes that we’ll hear about sugar.

DR. BRYAN ARDIS | The Hidden Truth about Bird Flu and FDA Deception: Their Lies Put Your Life at Risk | FOC Show  https://rumble.com/v5arhrw-the-flyover-conservatives-show.html?start=2231

I thank God for Dr Ardis and many other courageous researchers out there who are investigating these crucial topics and sharing them with people however they can. Like Dr Ardis, my desire with this Reclaiming Your Legacy program, is to give all who will listen, the knowledge they need to be delivered from the fear and paths of destruction being mapped out for humanity by extremely evil enemies of the Creator and His Kingdom.  We know that the light of truth is what evaporates the darkness. So, let’s all do our part to help share what you’ve heard today with those you love. At ReclaimYourLegacy.com, search for “God’s light in the darkness of medical deception.”  Hear more of these interviews and find the links to expand your research. 

Bonus Segment

If you’re hearing this portion of today’s episode, it’s because you’re on our ReclaimYourLegacy.com website or one of the podcast platforms. I’m so excited you’re here.  That tells me you value content that equips listeners to not only live more effectively for your Creator… you want to help those you care about to discover truths that have the capacity to help them avoid and overcome the destruction that is laying waste to far too many souls in today’s warfare. Will you please pray about how you can do that today while it’s fresh on your mind?  Who is the one the Lord brings to your mind to share this valuable information by giving them this link?  And ask Him how you can help us keep doing the work to bring you these valuable reports. No donation is too small. And when you donate through any of the several ways explained on our website, I’ll personally write you an email with a note that I believe you’ll appreciate.

Now, let’s continue hearing some more of Dr Ardis’ conversation with David and Stacy at The Flyover Conservatives Show.

DR. BRYAN ARDIS | The Hidden Truth about Bird Flu and FDA Deception: Their Lies Put Your Life at Risk | FOC Show  https://rumble.com/v5arhrw-the-flyover-conservatives-show.html?start=2231

DR. BRYAN ARDIS | What you Don’t Know about Nicotine could KILL YOU! Exposing the Lie. Revealing the Benefits.  https://rumble.com/v4omx85-dr.-bryan-ardis-what-you-dont-know-about-nicotine-could-kill-you-exposing-t.html?start=61

Dr. Bryan Ardis Channel  https://thedrardisshow.com/ where you can link to the archive of teaching videos and interviews https://thedrardisshow.com/the-dr-ardis-show

For a 3-hour extended interview with Dr. Ardis about 10 things you need to know, see: https://rumble.com/v3kst6j-dr.-bryan-ardis-the-10-things-you-need-to-know.html

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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