God-orchestrated courage produced the Declaration of Independence – it is producing New Awakening

People all over the world are rediscovering many of the realities of the long chain of events that precipitated the unanimous declaration of some of the bravest honorable men who ever lived.

When those 56 very somber leaders of the American colonists gathered together in Philadelphia to sign the document they had crafted, the extreme hardship of revolution that they faced could only have been sustained because of the deep conviction and confidence they had in their Creator whom they often referred to as “Providence.” 

Over the course of their relatively young lives, their experience of dependency on their Creator reflected the profound knowledge that they had of the Bible and the principles of the God who is “at work in you, both to will and to do of His good pleasure.” They intimately relied on the Sovereign of the Universe who “works all things according to the counsel of His own will (Eph 1:11),” and “works all things together for good to those who love God and …are called according to His purpose (Ro 8:28).”

As we review the preamble to that declaration, perhaps we can refresh our own need to make a renewed declaration of commitment to God’s purposes in the unfolding story of God’s development of this generation’s determination – determination to be a people – indeed, a family and community – whose God is the Lord.

That unanimous declaration starts out with one of the most familiar statements ever written – the only lengthy written statement that I ever remember memorizing when I was in the eighth grade in 1959.


When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

And then, of course, began the long list of grievances that the colonists had against the king of England.

What most people today fail to realize is that prior to that declaration every single one of the nation states of the world were governed by whole societies of people who had been programmed for generations that kings and czars, pharaohs and dictators, were somehow entitled to alone dictate their ultimate condition and manner of living.  The idea of a civil government established on the principles of the Bible and ruled by the consensus of the people who are governed with their safety and consideration as the prime factors of the governing system was completely unheard of.

Just months before signing the Declaration, Patrick Henry, a Founder who served as the first and sixth post-colonial governor of Virginia, addressed the Virginia Convention and declared: “We are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. Three millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.”

Also noteworthy are the thoughts of the man whose signature is probably the most famous in the world.

John Hancock, the presiding officer over the Second Continental Congress, became the first representative to sign the Declaration on July 4, 1776. His sizable signature started the modern-day idea of leaving a “John Hancock” on one’s paperwork. As America’s wealthiest businessman in Boston, he was one of the most ardent patriots to put his life on the line with that signature. If the Revolutionary War was lost or he was caught, Hancock would have been hanged by the British. Yet Hancock said, “Principally and first of all, I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it: and my body I recommend to the earth. Nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mercy and power of God.”

All 56 patriots who signed the Declaration took their duties so seriously to the people of the new nation that they made a promise “with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.” They signed the Declaration of Independence knowing that the penalty would be death if they were captured, and that pledge could literally cost them their lives and fortunes.  

As a result, 17 men lost property due to British raids and 12 had homes destroyed. Five lost their fortunes in helping fund the Continental Army and state militias battle the redcoats. Five were captured by the British as traitors and tortured before they died. One had two sons imprisoned on a British starving ship, one had a son killed in battle, one had his wife die from harsh prison treatment, and nine signers died in the Revolutionary War.  (ref: Liberty Counsel newsletter Jul 1, 2022  https://www.lc.org/newsroom/details/070122-americas-founders-displayed-great-faith-and-courage-1 )

(The following is from Pastor Dutch Sheets’ Give Him 15 post for July 4, 2022 – What It Means to Be an American  https://api.neonemails.com/emails/content/WMnig63hm54-nJ5fBx5-jlZABr2MsffPhWpROJH7oQ8=)

The 1776 Project, established by President Donald Trump, declares plainly…  

‘America’s founding principles are true not because any generation—including our own—has lived them perfectly, but because they are based upon the eternal truths of the human condition. They are rooted in our capacity for evil and power for good, our longing for truth and striving for justice, our need for order and our love of freedom. Above all else, these principles recognize the worth, equality, potential, dignity, and glory of each and every man, woman, and child created in the image of God.”’

If anyone is going to understand the brilliance that enabled our Founding Fathers to galvanize the system they created for us, we have to discover how these documents relied on the timeless Biblical ideas of man and government. Those ideals fostered a sacred sense of liberty and accountability that you would be hard-pressed to find in any other place on earth.

In fact, historians tell us that among the nations of the world, the average written, national constitution lasts about 17 years! While the founding documents of other nation’s prove to be so temporary, Americans should appreciate the durability of our own founding documents. With just a little research anyone can easily discover that the reason America’s guiding principles have endured so long is because our documents are based on one other, even longer enduring document – the Bible.

The Question of whether or not future generations will continue to be guided by our founding documents will be completely decided by whether or not the lawful participants who are called “we the People” will humble themselves and return to the God of the Bible and the principles of stewardship that our founders risked their lives to protect.

If you’ll take a close look at our nation’s founding documents, you’ll notice that the Biblical ideas found in the Declaration of Independence are stated clearly in four major points:

1.            All men are created equal.  [ ‘We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal…’]

2.            Man, being created in the Divine image (imago dei), has unique indisputable value and identity. [‘that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness…’]

3.            Man is superior to the institutions of the state (the government which means the controller of the mind). [‘That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Men.’]

4.            The institution of the state (government) exists for man. [‘deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed’… and ‘whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.’

“The Declaration also directly refers to God four times:

  1. The phrase ‘the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God’ is the first. This is the reference written by Thomas Jefferson in his original draft. The committee of founders added the next phrase…

It is important to note that Jefferson’s original draft only contained the first reference to God. The Committee added reference 2, while the whole Congress added 3 and 4. These were the only major additions to Jefferson’s original draft. Through these additions the Congress wanted the world to know their trust and reliance was upon God. Additionally, the Declaration was primarily the product of Christian men in a Christian society. Even those who were not orthodox Christians, such as Jefferson and Franklin, still had a Biblical worldview 

2.            ‘Men are created equal … [and] endowed by their Creator’

Then the whole congress added the next two phrases…

3.            ‘appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World’

4.            ‘And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.’ [6]

 These were the only major additions to Jefferson’s original draft. It’s apparent that through these additions the Congress wanted the world to know that their loyal trust and complete reliance was upon God.  It cannot be ignored that the Declaration was expressly the product of Christian men with Christian ideals living in a profoundly knowledgeable Christian society. Even those who were not orthodox Christians, particularly Jefferson and Franklin, still had a distinctly Biblical worldview

“In their own words, the signers stated again and again that our nation would not succeed apart from God. They understood that the exceptionalism of the “Great Experiment,” which they fondly called it, was directly rooted in the fact that the people who gave consent to be governed did so with the understanding of what it meant to live in a society governed by Biblical truths. They knew that they must actively and intentionally fight to protect those truths by diligently teaching them to each generation that followed.

The Bible was clearly recognized by the founders as the source of both the power and form for the Declaration and the Constitution.  The power is the wisdom of ideas that ‘colors’ the entire system. The structure is the ‘tapestry’ that forms the system itself.

For example, the founders acknowledged that absolute truth exists and is not determined by human rationale. The ideas of ‘right and wrong,’ ‘moral and immoral,’ or ‘lawful and unlawful’ all originate from an all-wise Creator.  The only reason we can continue to have a nation of laws and accountability is because we can know that absolute truth stems from the Creator Who has made himself evident in His creation, for which all men are without excuse if they ignore Him.  That’s what they meant by the phrase “these Truths to be self-evident.”

From that truth it naturally follows that any man-made law proven to be contrary to God’s truth is actually not a law at all.  It is a falsehood and ultimately the perverse diversion of the ‘father of lies.’

“The power and form of the Declaration and the Constitution are biblical. Power being the under- lying ideas that are reflected, and form, the structure of how our government was set up and flows out of those ideas. First, the founders recognized that absolute truth exists. Right and wrong, moral and immoral, legal and illegal – these emanated from a Creator. This is a foundational idea of our nation: there is absolute truth we can know, and it comes from the Creator. The founders declared that fact to be self- evident. And from that, flows the idea that any law contrary to God’s truth is no law at all.” (Stephen McDowell)

“Is it not obvious then, that our cause as Christian Americans living in this current culture is to uphold the biblical ideas of our founding and our government? We must remind ourselves of where we’ve come from and the foundations upon which we stand; that the documents themselves do not grant us freedom, but they profoundly recognize that freedom is something granted from God. We’ve been entrusted to protect it.

American Fundamental Ideas

“To that end – let us consider what it means to live in a nation that acknowledges God-given equality, unalienable rights, and liberty for all. What a vital and honorable responsibility it is to steward these foundational ideals:

•             To be an American is something noble and good.

•             To be an American is to be full of optimism for the future.

•             To be an American is to be marked by determination to fight for what is right.

•             To be an American is to be full of kindness toward those in need.

•             To be an American is to show courage in the face of adversity.

•             To be an American is to embrace hard work and be generous with the fruits of our labor.

•             To be an American is to learn from our mistakes with openness and honesty.

•             To be an American is to instill these values in the next generation.

A Renewed Declaration of Independence for today

In 2011 the Liberty Counsel, a public interest law and policy Christian organization headed by Matt Staver (www.lc.org),  published the 2011 Declaration of Independence. It opened saying, “For the past two and a half years, America has suffered under the leadership of one of the most corrupt and dangerous Administrations in American history. Comparing America’s revolutionary times with our own, we cannot help but conclude that “We, the People” are today facing even more oppression than the colonial generation! For this reason, we have revisited what is considered to be the most important single document in American history, the Declaration of Independence of 1776, and have recast it to describe the perilous times in which we live.”

As God’s people pursue God’s purposes to be the ‘salt and light’ in our darkened world, I must not understate our individual necessity to repent of every action that bows to the fear of men and their corrupt deceptions that prevent us from trusting in God and enslaving us to the poisonous deceptions and sorceries of our time. With that, see if you think there is a place for the discovery of this declaration in the hearts of a significant segment of our citizens. I’ll complete the entire document in the bonus segment of today’s show at ReclaimYourLegacy.com. Listen to it and share it with your friends.

Every now and then, as things develop, it’s necessary to consider reordering political connections between one group and another, and, for good cause, establish new guidelines for operations according to the laws of Nature and Nature’s God. Good manners require the initiating party to explain the reasons for declaring independence of thought and purpose.

First, some background about what we believe and how those beliefs require us to demand changes in the established order… It is obvious that every person is created equal, including babies still preparing to enter the world. All human beings are precious, sacred, and are created by a loving God. This God endows each one of us with ironclad, inseparable civil rights; to name a few, the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness in this world.

Government is ordained by God with conditions

Government exists to secure all civil rights provided by God. Government can only do its job if it first gets permission from The People. Government is therefore placed under the control of THE PEOPLE and exists to serve the interests of THE PEOPLE. The traditional moral precepts of the majority of the people, dearly held for millennia, make up the foundational moral code of a society, and its government, and if a government is intent on securing the rights of THE PEOPLE, it will display a respect for that foundational code.  When any government begins to run rough shod over The People, or when government behaves in a way that contradicts the will of THE PEOPLE, or when government actually destroys the civil rights of THE PEOPLE, then THE PEOPLE have an overriding Right and Duty to change their government and make it behave, or, failing that, they have a Right to abolish that abusive government and craft a replacement as they see fit. Simply put: In America, we do not suffer tyrants.

Obviously, the wise and prudent will not run about recklessly demanding government be abolished on a whim or for shallow, temporal reasons. Historically, most people would rather endure government abuse, hoping matters will change, as opposed to engaging the very painful and dangerous work of revolution.

However, when an abusive government refuses to change, refuses to listen to THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, and indeed, when such a government insists on escalating its abuses against THE PEOPLE, demonstrating a clear intention of moving toward central control, even Despotism, then it is not only the Right of THE PEOPLE, but their Duty, to throw off such a government and appoint others devoted to serve as protectors of Liberty, Life, and the pursuit of Happiness.

For decades, and especially since 2006, the American people have suffered patiently under the near-dictatorial rule of government officials and bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., officials who have abused their authority, trampling upon the rights and liberties of THE PEOPLE. So grievous have these abuses become, especially in the last two years, THE PEOPLE have concluded the usurpations of the federal government exceed those of the King of Great Britain during the 18th century, abuses and deprivations causing the issuance of the first American Declaration of Independence, thus sparking the American Revolution.

The injuries inflicted upon THE PEOPLE of these United States by elitist politicians in Washington, and by the current occupant of the White House, are so numerous and so outrageous as to warrant a recounting of their history, demonstrating the clear intention of this government to exert control over

most aspects of American life, to the destruction of our Constitution, our freedoms, and our God-given civil rights.

Let the facts speak for themselves.

At this point the 2011 declaration lists the basic details of all the chief complaints that were well known at that time. By now, I’m sure you can think of many more extremely grievous actions that can be added to the list. I’ll summarize the main points and then invite you to pray with me before we close today’s episode.

This President and his allies have:

Fraudulently installed a national healthcare system against THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, on its face an example of illegal wealth redistribution, exacting the largest tax increases in history without the consent of those being taxed, going so far as to force individuals to purchase insurance, a clear violation of the Constitution, and even insisting government control all medical decisions from cradle to grave, regardless of the best medical advice available.

Squandered the nation’s resources creating insurmountable debt and bankrupting the country, leaving our posterity with little hope of economic recovery, for decades, and perhaps forever. Making matters worse, in their efforts to “fundamentally transform America,” public officials in the Senate and the White House have refused to enact the most basic common-sense measures to avoid economic catastrophe.

Installed so-called “finance reform” that effectively concentrated more unconstitutional power in the federal government, giving that government virtually unlimited bailout authority and control over financial institutions. This, in addition to other power plays allowing the government to take over private industries in other sectors without any authority to do so whatsoever.

Mismanaged government control of roughly half of the residential mortgage industry, control that is in itself unconstitutional, causing the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression, all in the name of redistributing wealth and providing homeownership to those otherwise unqualified to secure a loan to purchase a home.

Failed to adequately provide for the national defense by releasing secret documents from the Justice Department advising the CIA on issues of terrorism and intelligence gathering, acting against the combined advice of several former CIA directors, and in so doing, hurting the ability of the United States to provide for the common defense, effectively helping our enemies in their efforts to attack us at home.

Enacted an administrative measure allowing American tax payer funds to be spent overseas in the provisioning of abortions, completely contrary to the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. Pushing abortion on demand contrary to the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, even endorsing the murderous and heinous practice of partial birth abortion, the killing of full-term babies, and the cruel and heartless practice of isolating babies who survive abortion, allowing them to die alone, in the dark, without mercy.

Promoted the idea of detentions based only on suspicion of future, potential criminal violations, contrary to the rule of law, due process, and the presumption of innocence.

Created a two-tiered justice system insisting the federal government can decide to try suspects in civilian or military court depending on the most likely place to achieve convictions. They have exercised gross interference with due process and right to a fair trial, another example of the federal executive branch usurping power.

Argued for more surveillance of private citizens without a warrant, insisting complete government immunity from prosecution.

Declared the EPA a lead agency to begin enacting provisions of Cap and Trade legislation without such legislation being passed by Congress, effectively using the EPA for executive action outside the provisions of the Constitution, including attendant taxation, without representation.

Ignored the 10th Amendment at every turn, seeking to punish states whenever they are perceived to be acting contrary to federal will, as in the case of Arizona’s immigration law.

Promoted on every front the same-sex relationship agenda, again, against the WILL OF THE MAJORITY, advancing same-sex marriage, same-sex adoption, and the arbitrary policy shift to normalize same-sex relationships in the military, an obvious infringement upon military readiness, another weakening of our ability to provide for the common defense, and a violation of the Presidential Oath.

Pray with me:

Heavenly Father, we come first with hearts full of gratitude for the liberties we enjoy in America. We see the work of Your hands throughout our foundations and thank You that our Founders were guided by Your truths from the wisdom of the Bible. As they recognized our Republic cannot stand without You, would You open the eyes of our nation’s people, Lord, to humbly submit to the biblical principles that began our civic society. Please silence the voice of the enemy that seeks to discredit our heritage and ruin our nation forever. Continue to expose the evil poisoning every corner of our communities and let their influential powers be completely brought to destruction.  Empower your servants to resolve and courageously manifest the biblical ideals needed for the reinvigoration of this country. Do this in order that America will once again be a city on a hill, shining brightly to spread the Gospel of your Kingdom to the ends of the earth. In Jesus’ name, we pray this. Amen

The complete document we began today continues in the bonus segment of today’s program and at ReclaimYourLegacy.com.  Be sure to link to the podcasts of all our programs there and share them with your friends. While you’re at our website, if the Lord leads you to partner with me to continue the mission of Reclaiming Your Legacy, please consider helping however He enables you. Your donations are needed and appreciated as we all do our parts to bring glory to Jesus by shining His light to dispel the darkness of our times.

Bonus segment…

I’m sure as you’re hearing the list of the horribly unlawful actions of the highest powers in positions of authority in our nation, thoughts of prosecution for treason might reasonably come to mind.  Let’s not forget that God is just and His patience with evildoers always has an end. For the contrite and truly repentant there is mercy which is why Isaiah says in 26:9 that when the earth experiences God’s judgments, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness. But when the wicked are cut off, Psalm 37 tells us God “sees his day coming” (37:13) and “you will see it” (37:34); they “will be destroyed” (37:38); and their posterity “will be cut off” (37:38). That’s why God’s trusting children are told in Psalm 37:7-11,

7 ​​Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him; ​​Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, ​​Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.

8 ​​Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; ​​Do not fret—it only causes harm. ​

9 ​​For evildoers shall be cut off; ​​But those who wait on the LORD, ​​They shall inherit the earth.

10 ​​For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more; ​​Indeed, you will look carefully for his place, ​​But it shall be no more.

11 ​​But the meek shall inherit the earth, ​​And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

The list of grievances proposed for Liberty Counsel’s 2011 Declaration of Independence continues that the modern American government’s actions …

Refused to defend in court settled law in the Defense of Marriage Act, arbitrarily declaring DOMA unconstitutional, an act usurping the powers and responsibilities of the Supreme Court, another violation of the Constitution, and the Presidential Oath.

Vowed to override the Supreme Court on the matter of free speech and campaign finance involving unions and corporations, even going so far as to use the State of the Union Address to essentially intimidate and marginalize the Justices.

Accepted campaign contributions from foreign sources over the Internet in violation of the law, thus corrupting the American electoral process.

Ignored border security and reduced funding to secure the nation’s southern border.

Engaged in several world tours to apologize for America, bowing to foreign tyrants, accommodating enemies of the United States, and denigrating friends and allies, rendering foreign relations and foreign policy impotent and in disarray.

Appointed any number of extra-constitutional executive czars working to effect substantial change in society without the consent of THE PEOPLE, the Congress, or the Courts, as in the case of appointing a same-sex activist to promote homosexuality in the public schools, going so far as to encourage normalization of aberrant behavior even in the minds of young children, all to the exclusion of parental involvement and consent.

Aggravated racial tensions and promoted class warfare by pitting one group against another, or demonizing one group while praising another, throughout debates on numerous issues, especially those issues having to do with equal opportunity, taxation and federal expenditures, all to the detriment of civilized debate and orderly problem-solving, all for the sole purpose of promoting narrow ideological agendas, primarily the acquisition of more power.

Denied our Judeo-Christian heritage, proclaiming we are an emerging Muslim nation, working in various ways to deny Christians their civil rights.

Facilitated our participation in a Libyan military incursion without the consent of Congress, without any strategic purpose, with no perceivable national security interest, contrary to the U.S. Constitution, putting our military under the authority of foreign interests, and acting on behalf of the Arab League.

Neglected domestic energy development, negatively impacting everything to do with national security and economic recovery.

Infringed on 1st and 2nd Amendment rights in a systematic, subversive fashion.

Time and again THE PEOPLE have sought redress, through free and reasonable expression. Over and over through letters, emails, phone calls and petitions, THE PEOPLE have asked the federal government to balance the books, clear the debt, get out of the way so THE PEOPLE can accomplish economic revival, and desist from power grabs to centralize and concentrate power.

Time and again THE PEOPLE have been ignored. And when THE PEOPLE began protesting in the streets two years ago, government officials, including this President, denigrated those good citizens, calling them racists, hate mongers, tea baggers, tools of corporations, puppets of partisans.

Even when those good people voted in November 2010, sending a clear “STOP” message to the President and Congress, those good people were either maligned or ignored.

The character of a President, an Administration, and a Congress is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, and, they are, therefore, unfit to be the rulers of a Free People.

We The People, therefore, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world,

solemnly declare our full intention, by any lawful means available, to remove from office all those politicians and office holders who have been complicit in the above delineated offenses, and to break the bonds between us and them. We declare, by the Rights afforded us by our Creator, that we are Duty-bound to expose and resist all unlawful decrees and policies, such as the extensive list presented above, as have been or may yet be issued by the present abusive and lawless regime in the Executive Branch and in the United States Senate.

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

(the above document is from LibertyCounsel Declaration2011.pdf in my Research files (It is not available on lc.org)

As you can see, this list doesn’t begin to describe the multiplied horrific toll that has been taken by treasonous actions of the Executive and congressional branches of our government since our lawfully elected president was fraudulently prevented from continuing his leadership.  The globally corrupt deep state and the collusion of satanic powers is pulling the strings of big media, big tech, big pharma and all that is more gargantuan than we can imagine in every form of international corporate enterprise.

The severity of the attacks on humanity are beyond our ability to comprehend.

There are planned pandemics, orchestrated food and gas shortages, weather warfare causing natural disasters to create the hoax of climate change, forced vaccinations that murder millions and potentially billions and severely weaken the surviving ones, insane plans to end humanity and make everyone a 100% controlled cyborg, and so much more.

Then there is the removal of all rights and freedoms from humanity, the installing of vaccine passports which create inhumane societies where only the constantly injected can function, the building of a world where every soul will be monitored day and night by an omnipresent surveillance system.

The plans being rolled out by the psychopaths that managed to occupy the highest seats in almost every land of the world, are too absurd for words.

The president of Chile said on national television that 5G will read everybody’s thoughts but also insert thoughts and emotions, thus becoming the central nervous system of our societies.

Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum confirms this, with the statement that one of the results of making every human a cyborg will be, that we will all be elevated to one and the same consciousness.

The insane professor Yuval Noah Harari is promoted by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum to voice their agenda even more, by stating that the era of free will and faith in God is over, as every human can now be hacked and programmed.

These are statements we have all heard before… in modern Sci-Fi horror movies!

But now these insane criminals are publicly declaring their official agenda for mankind. The attack being launched on humanity is beyond description.

Their plan is to crush humanity under these orchestrated catastrophes, so we would accept their one world government of unprecedented control and tyranny to “save” us.

Is there any hope for our world?

My friend, David Sorensen, author of StopWorldControl.com explains why we all should have deep conviction, that God’s principles are at work and He is not expecting anyone but His enemies to be nervous about what’s ahead. (See https://stopworldcontrol.com/die/)

The insanity of the plans of the evil forces at work is so extreme, that it is exposing them for who they are. Hundreds of millions have awakened in the past year, and this is just the start of what will be a monumental eruption of truth in our world.

Although these monsters own literally all the mainstream media worldwide, and have a total monopoly over the information flow, they are still not able to truly brainwash the world.

Imagine this: they own the thousands upon thousands of newspapers, radio stations, TV agencies, the major book publishers, and on top of that they own most hospitals and virtually the entire worldwide heath care system, which allows them to dictate policies so cruel and criminal, that some doctors have killed themselves, because they no longer could go along with it.  Their control over the world is unimaginable.

The documentary MONOPOLY shows this in detail, with all the evidence on screen, how essentially every major brand, name, corporation, industry in this world – be it food, travel, agriculture, energy, automotive, healthcare, entertainment, clothing, technology, EVERYTHING – is owned by the very same small group of astronomically wealthy satanists.  They own the world, so to speak!

The film ‘MONOPOLY’ reveals how virtually everything on earth is owned by one and the same corporation. Technology, healthcare, insurance, travel, housing, agriculture, food, you name it, it’s all in the hands of one and the same entity. This monopoly gives them the power to control governments, news media, health organizations, and much more. They use their power to impose vaccine mandates, mask mandates, social distancing, and other forms of inhumane tyranny. Watch this film to find out what corporation this is.

They also “own” virtually all governments, through bribery, blackmailing, and brainwashing, giving them full control over almost every single nation on earth.

Yet… despite all this control, power and wealth, despite their all-encompassing grip on media and the flow of information, despite their massive censorship deployed worldwide – despite all of that, and much more… they are not able to control the world as they wish.

In the midst of their greatest assault of all time, they have caused a mass awakening of proportions nobody can oversee. And again: it’s only just starting!

An estimated 50% of all America is by now somewhat aware that something very evil is at work. They have all seen the craziness of Fauci and his dwarfs.  They are observing how the injections are murdering and crippling people all around them.  They are beginning to wake up. In other nations the percentage of awakened people varies from 5 to 30%.

What I see is that the One who is above all, works in the hearts of people, despite the blinding brainwashing deployed by the news and government propaganda.

Hundreds of millions, and soon it will be billions, are beginning to respond to a broadcast that is stronger than the 24/7 propaganda through the screens.

They hear a voice that is deeper, stronger, clearer and that removes the blindfold over their mind. And this is just the early start of something that will transform our world.

Desperate, the criminals try to shut down the voices of truth speakers, but they can never shut down the voice of the Eternal One, who ministers to the hearts of innumerable people worldwide.

He convinces them of good and evil, and encourages all of us to choose light over darkness, truth over deception, courage over betrayal, and he is causing an awakening this world has never seen.

So, despite the fact that there is massive worldwide eruption of evil, the likes of which humanity has never witnessed, there is likewise an ever greater and stronger movement of light, truth, freedom, right, justice, and hope breaking through.

You are not called to sit back.

Don’t be a coward who shuts up, out of fear for consequences. Don’t betray your world, your beloved ones and all of humanity by choosing security over truth.

We all must rise up and speak out. We have a mission. Share the truth more than ever. Spread it in ways you never did before. Find new ways, be creative, smart, effective. Do something! We all have a mission, no one is excluded.

Those who refuse, are traitors to humanity, this world, and everyone dear to them. Now is the time to show what we are made of.


Let the voice of freedom roar. Expose evil like never before. Pray with more intent than you ever did. And be full of hope and courage, because a new day is dawning, even during the darkest night of history.

When you read the horrifying reports, know that they are to expose the plans of the wicked. Never see them as some doomsday declarations. Understand they are a blazing light that is revealing a great evil, so that we can resist and stop it.  We need to reveal the plans of these satanic criminals. We must expose them by all means, to the world.

Please take the reports and videos, that are published at Stop World Control.com and spread them in all directions, shattering the molds of mind control over people everywhere. Use them as tools for awakening.

But never allow despair or fear to ever rule over you. The truth sets us free, and it can be terrifying at first. But once we understand the purpose of this truth, we can use it to deliver our beautiful world. Once works of evil, prepared in darkness, are exposed by the light, they are no longer hidden, and can be dealt with by God working through His children to disciple the nations and glorify Jesus Christ, expanding the reign of His kingdom throughout all the earth.

Let’s be this blazing light.

See Paul Harvey’s historic video essay at the link below. You will be so glad you did.

https://youtu.be/s7vqzJC0r7A?si=SEHSGy85IypDdYUi   If you’ve never seen Paul Harvey’s magnificent short talk about America’s sacrificial founders, you will be blessed to see it now.  And even if you have seen it long ago, you’ll be motivated to share it with others you care about if you have hope that they might pass the baton of freedom to the next generation.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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2 thoughts on “God-orchestrated courage produced the Declaration of Independence – it is producing New Awakening

  1. Dennis,
    An absolutely “off the chart” RYL presentation !! I was compelled to listen to every word and my heart was encouraged by what you presented. Our nation is in deep trouble BUT the One who created us still watches over us and I am strengthened by your words admonishing us to all persevere unto the end! I am a part of Rick Green’s “Patriot Academy” , of which you are very familiar, and their stand against tyranny is as strong as yours!
    What a blessing RYL is !! Thank you!
    Larry Thornhill
    Placerville, California

    • Thanks so much Larry. Patriot Academy is excellent. I’ve taken the course and enjoy every time I get to hear Rick Green’s excellent commentary.