It’s becoming increasingly apparent to even low-information voters in America that there is a spiritual – God originated – agenda behind the awakening recovery of righteousness in America.
The public acknowledgement of God’s saving intervention in the preservation Donald Trump’s life, followed by his astonishing landslide re-election to the office of the most influential position in the world, has had a huge public impact on at least the mental recognition that God is at work. Some other nations are experiencing fearless and godly voices arising to prominence in them … and that’s getting a lot attention as well.
I’ve been following the work of a profoundly wise American Christian leader for over a decade, whom you might have heard yourself, if you ever watch the Flashpoint news program on the Victory channel online. His name is Lance Wallnau. Among all the many prominent, God-honoring public speakers today, Lance has clearly articulated many Biblical concepts that relate to current events in remarkably accurate and timely ways. I believe that kind of insight is what we can plainly call “prophetic” … according to the Word of God.
If you’ve ever heard of the idea of the “7 mountains of influence” in the world, you might have run across interviews or teachings from Lance Wallnau. His bold assertions about the deplorable conditions of the mainstream realms of modern society, including the religious realm, would naturally remind his listeners of the prophets in the Bible who dared to confront the back-slidden people of God’s Israel, from Samuel, right up to John the Baptist, almost 2,000 years ago.
Now, you may have heard of an American youth ministry called Turning Point USA. The remarkably bright young founder of Turning Point is a guy named Charlie Kirk. This organization has become the biggest movement of young people in America today.

They hosted a big rally in Arizona, just a few weeks before the 2025 Inauguration of President Donald Trump. It was attended by thousands of sharp, enthusiastic young people who have no problem proclaiming their Christian testimony in today’s highly secularized and polarized society. That convention included a brief talk by Lance Wallnau.
Lance Wallnau notes that, like God prepared Persian king Cyrus to enable God’s people to restore their kingdom after their captivity in Babylon 2500 years ago, so… today, He’s raising up secular leaders to champion the causes of godliness to confront obvious unrighteousness. This phenomenon of history is being used providentially to give courage to a young generation of God’s people for the advancement of the gospel and for the glory of Almighty God, the Lord of Hosts, the Redeemer of lost people without hope in this sick world.
This short talk by Lance Wallnau is so poignantly appropriate for our communities right now that I felt you should hear about it. And since this might be your only chance to listen, I invite you to see if what he says in these next few minutes might give you some meaningful ‘handles’ to grasp the opportunities that our Lord God is preparing for you in the coming days. As you listen, remember that he is addressing a gathering of thousands of mostly young adults with passion to serve Jesus Christ with anticipation of the challenging culture in which we live.
Watch the complete recording of the talk at this link…
Let’s not miss these key insights.
Cyrus rulers are not necessarily religious but are uncompromising in accomplishing the mission that God has set for them.
Read the book of Haggai in the Bible to see parallels to today’s national scene.
There are seven key mountains – or gates – that God intends for His people to “take” for His glory.
Awakening is personal. Reformation is institutional. They are not to be confused with one another.
Trump is putting reformers in places of influence in the ‘mountains’ to clear the stage for God’s people to take up their ‘mantles’ of ministry.
Lance’s prayer is worth hearing, meditating on, and repeating in our own unique ways.
A new generation is arising with the sound of the voice of the Lord
They will hear like never before and see like never before.
They will become a voice of reformation in the nations of Earth in this time.
Source: Turning Point USA (Charlie Kirk) hosted a big rally in Arizona before the 2025 Inauguration of President Donald Trump that included this brief talk by Lance Wallnau.
The Turning Point: How God is Elevating New Leaders To Fight for America’s Future!
Lance Wallnau Sho https://www.youtube.com/live/AtxNeqj18Pc?si=EinLcUPF6o3dQIvs&t=112
Streamed live on Jan 13, 2025 The Lance Wallnau Show: Full Episodes The Turning Point: How God is Elevating New Leaders To Fight for America’s Future! You’ve heard about the globalists’ reset. But here’s the truth—the REAL reset is coming from God, and He’s elevating new leaders to get the job done. Nations are shaking, financial systems are crumbling, and God’s putting His people in position. These aren’t perfect people—they’re bold people. Reformers. Builders. Cyrus leaders. The kind who don’t back down when the devil pushes. This is America’s turning point, and you’ve got a role to play. The only question is: will you step into it?
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